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adoption awareness: adopting domestically

Every single child on the planet deserves the unconditional love of a family–whether they live in an orphanage far away or in a foster home in our neighborhood.

This week as we continue sharing hearts and stories that create more of an awareness on specific areas of adoption, I would love to invite families who have adopted domestically to share their journeys with us all.  I believe that we are all called uniquely by God.  Some are called to travel overseas to bring home children.  Others are called to open their home to a child who is right in their back yard.  When we are all obedient to do exactly what God has put on our hearts, it’s a beautiful thing. 

If you have adopted a child domestically and are willing to share your story with us, would you please link below?  My prayer is that it will give others who are considering taking the same leap of faith an opportunity to connect and reach out to each another.  You will be given an opportunity to add a caption–please use that space to tell us the age of the child/children you adopted and anything else you would like to add.  Thank you so much for being willing to share your blog with us.  
