We are two days into our long, long journey west. The last few days have been so ridiculously emotional and crazy. Packing up our home, loading a truck, and saying goodbye to people we love with all our hearts was so hard. Goodbyes are so awful. I will share more as soon as I am able to put a few coherent thoughts down here. Tonight I am just too exhausted to even think straight.
But I could not let the day go by without sharing some amazing news with you. So many of you prayed for this little boy.
This morning I got an e-mail telling me that sweet David has a family!
Thank you so much to all of you who shared his story wherever you could. Someone saw his sweet little face and knew that he was their beloved son. They have already started the process to bring him home. In just a few short months this darling little boy will be taken out of that nursing home forever! So amazing.
Totally rejoicing.
I will keep you posted, and if his family has a blog which we can follow I will share it with you.
God is so good to raise up families for children in need. Father to the fatherless–He puts the lonely in families. Thank you for praying and for trusting with me that this precious little lovie WILL come home.
I’ll be back soon. Right now though, it’s time to catch up on some much needed sleep before we hit the road again tomorrow.
Blessing the name of the Lord.