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are you a small business owner?

I’ve been thinking about something recently.  I get so many requests to do promotional stuff here on my blog.  They’re generally bigger companies/websites wanting to get a bit more exposure. I’m not too interested at this stage.

But what really does interest me a lot is trying to help small business owners, moms working from home, and those who are trying hard to make extra money in a tough economy by selling things they make etc.

I believe that the body of Christ needs to support those who are using the gifting that God has given them to support their families.

So I thought I would put out an invitation to those of you who work hard running a small business to try and support your families. 

Each week (or as often as I have time) I would love to support your business by sharing your website and your story here on my blog.

If anyone is interested in being featured here, send me an e-mail with your details to [email protected]. Please put “BUSINESS OWNER” in the subject so that I know to look out for it.

~~~  You should have a website or link to Etsy etc.

~~~  Since most of the people who read here are women or moms (and maybe two men!), your product/service should be relevant to that audience.

~~~  No multi-level businesses at this time, please.

I hope I can help a little.

Have a beautiful Monday, everyone.  Keep your eyes fixed on things above!
