Life has been busy. And blessed. God has been so faithful to my family.
We’re so looking forward to moving into our own home next month. Yes, for those of you who know me…paint swatches are already making their way home and I’m planning. I’m undecided on this one. Toned down colors? Vibrant, happy colors? Grays? I don’t know. We’re anxious to move in, but it will be some time after closing that we will actually be able to move our family into our new home. The house was built as a separate home and in-law suite in the basement. There are no stairs connecting the upstairs/downstairs. The teenagers, of course, think that’s an awesome idea. Nice try! I think not. Hopefully we can get the stairway built and a small yard enclosed for the little ones soon. We have runners! Give them a gap and they’re outta here. We cannot even consider moving in until it’s safe for them.
I have been reflecting so much over the past fourteen months of our lives. I shared with the precious ladies in our women’s group on Saturday night that if there’s one thing God has taught me on a deeper level, it’s to abide.
To abide in Him when life is hard.
To abide when we can’t hear His still, small voice.
To abide in the silence.
To abide in the confusion.
To abide when we have no clue what God is up to.
…ABIDE (to remain, to stay, to wait, to yield).
Sometimes I get that right. More often I fail so miserably.
Learning to abide in the silence has been one of my greatest lessons in my walk with the Lord.
In addition to packing up our house and getting ready to move, God continues to gently lead and guide us into new opportunities and different ways to share our hearts. He has opened up an amazing opportunity for us to share our embryo adoption on a wider scale. We hesitated in the beginning when we were approached. We needed to know it was of the LORD. In the beginning of this journey, I was so hesitant to even share this adoption publicly. This one is different. I prayed for weeks about whether to keep our latest adoption journey to ourselves (and our family and close friends) or to blog about it. In the end we decided that this adoption (as with all of our others) IS sharing the Kingdom of God. That these are precious and amazing children, and I am going to stand up and proclaim to anyone who will listen that they too deserve an opportunity to become all who God has created them to be! They too deserve to be chosen and loved and cherished. And by sharing it on a wider scale, we’ll allow the Father to expand His Kingdom on the earth–no matter what that looks like or what He decides to do with it. We’ll open up our lives and our family and trust that GOD will use our story however He chooses.
Because there is NOTHING we would not do if He called us by name. Nothing!
And I pray that when my day comes, I can stand before my Father and tell Him with all my heart…
…I gave you all of me!
It has been such a blessing to our hearts to see our adoption fund growing slowly. Every donation has encouraged us tremendously. Not everyone will get this journey. I know that. When a friend wrote to me and told me that her son had given us $105 of his own money, I cried. He’s a boy who I advocated for a few years ago. A young man who struggled to make the decision about whether to be adopted or stay where he was. He chose family! Do you know how much his sweet offering meant to my heart? I cannot even tell you. We are so very, very thankful to every person who has sown such precious seed to help us give these babies LIFE. No words can express how much it means to us.
Today I am so mindful of the Lord’s faithfulness. He is so faithful when we’re obedient. He is faithful when we’re standing on the tallest mountaintop. And He’s just as faithful when we’re so deep down in the valley and holding on for dear life.
Does that mean the journey will be easy? No way! It means that He’ll gently and lovingly take us by the hand and show us the way, provide for every need we have, and teach us new and amazing things daily. I’ll take that!
Standing with arms wide open.