Sometimes words are just so terribly hard to find. Many times I feel like Moses when he cried out to the Lord, telling Him that He really was not very eloquent. I can totally relate!
This will be one of those posts–the kind where I struggle to put into words what is on my heart. Sometimes situations are such that no amount of words can do it justice. Trying to convey truth without crossing the ever-present boundaries regarding just how much to post is a challenge for me. I long for the whole world to know the truth and see the truth when it comes to the conditions in which children live in foreign orphanages. But it’s a fine line–one I struggle to find.
It’s Christmastime. Such a glorious time of the year as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. Families come together, gifts are given, praise is uttered to the Baby who was born so that we may have life, and life more abundant. Honestly though, Christmas is so different to me now compared to what it was even a few years ago. I am different. I just cannot help but allow my heart and my thoughts to drift to the millions of children around the world who will [still] be alone this Christmas. For most of them, there will be no gifts, no tree to decorate, no fancy meal…and no family. Again.
It will just be another day.
Once you have put a foot in the door of an orphanage where children are lined up in cribs by the dozens, where a staple diet consists of drinking cabbage water out of a bottle, and where no heating exists, well, Christmas takes on an entirely different look. It is no longer a time when we think of all that we can get–but rather what we can give. It becomes a time of being so thankful for the many gifts we have been given–not for the next best gadget or the latest have-to-have, but for the things that truly matter in this life–love, joy that bubbles over, laughter, warm embraces, acceptance, belonging. FAMILY!
This week the Lord led me to a little face. A face who, very sadly, will not even know that December 25 is a reason to celebrate. No, for this little face it will just be another day in paradise–lying in a crib, rarely touched, some kind of liquid diet to barely sustain her, drugs to induce “best sleep” 24 hours a day. I know all too well how it goes.
Allow me to introduce you to Kolina. The little girl who brought me to my knees this week, begging the Lord to have mercy on her fragile little body. One of the saddest faces I have ever seen.
But then again, who can blame her?
Kolina languishes in the same awful place as Liliana. Many of you will remember Liliana as the little girl we all advocated for last August. A family is working hard to bring her home. Praise the Lord. No words can ever fully convey the heinous conditions these children live in. It is truly beyond human comprehension.
Sadly, Kolina has not been found yet. No one is going for her. It is only by Divine Intervention that this little girl is even available for adoption. She almost fell through the cracks…again.
But God! The father to the fatherless reached down from heaven and said, “This one too,” and Kolina was made available for international adoption.
This sweet little girl is literally deteriorating daily in a crib in Eastern Europe. On December 16 she will “celebrate” her birthday. Kolina will be nine years old. Yes, nine! She has Down syndrome. Looking at her pictures, she probably only weighs around 10-12 pounds. If that. Clothes cover her clearly skeletal legs, and her pitiful frame is nothing but skin and bones. Poor little darling.
Oh, how I would LOVE a Christmas miracle for Kolina! I would love to see her sad, sad little face turn from sadness, hopelessness and despair to joy. Joy that comes from being in a family. Joy that comes from human touch and from knowing that she belongs.
I would love to give Kolina the gift of HOPE this Christmas.
But, as usual, I need your help. Kolina needs help! In order for her family to find her, Kolina’s story needs to be spread far and wide. Just like Julia, and Vanya, and Kevin, and Liliana, and David. The ONLY way these children have found their forever families is through the body of Christ coming together and posting their faces and their stories on blogs, facebooks, and any other social network.
Would you please help Kolina? Will you share her story wherever you can?
Time is obviously crucial and she needs to come home as quickly as possible. Poor lovie is living on borrowed time–she is severely malnourished. A home-study-ready family would be ideal, but at this stage, it is not essential. Anyone wanting more information can contact Shelley at
Also, Kolina has a grant fund which has been set up by Reece’s Rainbow. Please pray about donating to her rescue! A large grant would be such a huge blessing for her family. Adoption is expensive! What a beautiful miracle it would be if her ransom was raised. All donations are tax deductible and every single dollar will go to Kolina’s RANSOM! If you feel led to contribute, just use the donation box below and all funds will go to sweet Kolina.
As I type this, Kolina’s grant fund is at a measly $94.50. Would you prayerfully consider playing a part in her unfolding miracle this Christmas?
Thank you for standing with me and for trusting that Kolina will NOT be one of the 95% of children who have Down syndrome who die in orphanages around the world each and every year. It is beyond human understanding.
Thank you for sharing Kolina’s story and for believing that someone WILL go for her soon!