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I know He cares

Of this I am sure today–He cares!

When I feel like God has left the building…that still, small voice reminds me that…

He cares!

When life just makes no sense and prayers seem unanswered, again I am reminded that…

He cares!

I know He cares, because every day, in every way, He does things to remind me. And this has been one of those weeks when I have really needed reminding.

We have a very loved kitty, her name is Angel. Oh how we love this little cat. She is the perfect addition to our family.

Last Sunday we woke up and noticed that Angel wasn’t doing so well. She seemed weak and lethargic. We were very concerned. She ran out the door when we left for church–nothing unusual, she loves being outdoors.

We got home from church later in the afternoon. Angel was missing. We searched around our home. She was nowhere to be found. She did not come come on Sunday night. She never stays away from home at night. Ever!

Monday came, and still no sight of Angel. We were convinced that she had either died, or a fox had taken her. We were so heartbroken. Pets just become part of the family, hey?

On Tuesday afternoon the kids and I were doing our schoolwork at the kitchen table. All of a sudden, one of the children shouted, “Angel”. There she was–waiting at the back door to come inside.

Oh my–tears of joy flowed. We were so thankful. She was tired, weak and very sick. All she wanted to do was hide under a blanket.

We did the first thing we knew to do–lay hands on her and pray. The whole family gathered around her weak little body and we interceded–trusting our great, big God for a miracle.

And a miracle we got! The following morning she was back to her old self. 

Oh how He cares? Even about the smallest, most secret, most hidden away desires of our hearts.

How passionately He cares for us.  There are days when we all need a reminder about how good God is.  This week I got mine.

The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him. Nahum 1:6-8


Thank you all for your sweet words of encouragement yesterday.  His mercies are new every morning–today is a new day and I will choose to praise my God.  I know He’ll work out all things regarding Hailee coming home.  I know His timing is always perfect.  My mother’s heart will find rest in Him as we wait this out.

I did chuckle at you all using my sweet little Afrikaans word.  It’s funny because I just know that you’re all butchering the word by pronouncing it with your American accents.  Afrikaans is kind of a combination of Dutch and German dialects–it’s a hard language to learn. In South Africa, us English speaking folks are required to learn it as a second language.  I must say though–with every year that I am away from my home country, I am starting to forget it more and more.
