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I’m pleading….

Friends, I come to you tonight begging for your prayers.  My heart is so burdened for a sweet little boy who so urgently needs our intercession…and a family.

Monroe is five years old.  He is so fortunate to still be in a baby house.  For those of you unfamiliar with adoptions in our daughter’s country of the Ukraine, around a child’s fifth birthday they are transferred to an insane asylum.  All children with special needs go there.  For most, it is a death sentence.  They simply cannot survive the heinous conditions. 

Oh my goodness, he is just too sweet for words.

Monroe WILL be transferred in just six months. That’s how long a family has to get to him.  The institution he will be moved to is known to be one of the worst in the country.  There is no way sweet Monroe can survive there.  Absolutely no way.

This adorable little boy deserves the love of a family and the medical intervention he so desperately needs. The fact that Monroe has CP should just be a big whatever.  Just like every other child, he deserves a mommy and a daddy to help him become ALL that God has created him to be.  There is nothing ‘wrong’ with Monroe, but everything RIGHT with him.  He is created in the image of an Almighty Father–fearfully and wonderfully made just the way he is.

A missionary visited him last month and shared this about him….

I met with the doctor in his Groupa House who brought me back to meet him. The Head Doctor wanted me to meet the children who needed equipment. While measuring him for a chair, she explained to me that what was more important was that he get a family. He will be tranferred in six months to the worst institution, restrained in a crib in a dark room. She broke into tears! Monroe has spastic cerebral palsy in all four limbs and is globally delayed. He is able to recognize the voices of his careworkers and understand simple directions. However, due to his spacitiy he is unable to do much of anything. No speech. With therapy he can improve but will always have limitations.  His temperament was sweet and his eyes twinkled. He needs a family fast!

I look at this sweet boy in the picture and I am absolutely certain of something–this boy will blossom, grow and astound everyone with his rapid development once he is home. I know it. He just needs to be given a chance at life, an opportunity to learn and grow.  Sadly, he will never reach any kind of milestone once he is in an asylum, he will wither away in a dark room and die alone.  Fact!

Please will you pray with me?  Please will you help me spread the word about Monroe?

All he needs is someone to say, “Here I am Lord, send me!”  Everything else is already provided.  Due to an incredibly generous benefactor, the adoption costs for Monroe are completely covered!  Monroe has a $20 000.00 grant….

$20 000.00!

That is enormous.  Never in my years involved in the adoption community have I ever heard of such an amazing grant for one child.  Boy does this little guy need it.

Someone asked me if we would go and bring him home?  Yes. In a heartbeat. It’s a beautiful thing watching children like this change before your very eyes. It’s breathtaking–a miracle! I cannot even describe what special needs adoption has done to us–it has changed us forever.  But unfortunately in this season of our lives we don’t qualify to adopt.  And there is absolutely no way around it.

I know there is a family out there for this angelic little boy.  They just have to find him.  Will you help me spread the word, please?  Together as the Body of Christ we can find Monroe’s family. 

Time is running out. Once he is transferred, it may be very difficult to get him out. Someone needs to go on a rescue mission–sent out by the Lord Himself. 

I appreciate your prayers for Monroe more than you can know.  I know the Lord hears every single plea on behalf of this angel–I know He will act!

I will give you the treasures of darkness,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the LORD,
the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
Isaiah 45:3

Standing and trusting for the life of this child!

If anyone would like more information about Monroe, please contact Andrea Roberts from Reeces Rainbow at [email protected].
