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We’ve been studying China as part of our homeschool curriculum.  It is fascinating. One of the things our study mentions is the unique characteristics and culture of the Chinese people–their looks, music, food etc.

So, being Chinese, I asked Hannah-Claire if she looked any different to what we do.

She thought.

She pondered.

“No!” She declared with absolute certainty.

Isn’t adoption just amazing?  Hannah-Claire totally sees herself as being no different to the rest of us.  She is a Salem! Period.  Recently she told us that she “is not looking very Chinese anymore because she has been home for a long time now”.  So sweet.  She is so tender and precious in every way.

I love it.

Speaking of our first adopted daughter.  For a long time now we have suspected that her birth records may be incorrect.  She is very tall, especially by Chinese standards.  And, more recently we have noticed that she is starting to go through those normal changes that girls go through–but earlier than anticipated.  A few things have led us to believe that, perhaps, she is actually older than what is stated on her records from the orphanage.

Last week, at Hannah-Claire’s dentist appointment, the dentist made an interesting observation.  She has lost way more teeth than she should have for her age.  And, her molars have come in before they normally do.  The dentist asked me if I was sure that Hannah-Claire is indeed just nine years old. 

It really wouldn’t be too surprising if she was made to be younger than what she truly is on her birth records.  Crazier things have happened when it comes to what is written on those things. After all, it is way easier for the younger kids to be adopted than it is for older children. 


Have any of you ever experienced something similar with your adopted child’s birth date?

Oh, I also wanted to thank all of you for the many e-mails and advice I have received about Harper’s reoccurring croup.  All the ideas and advice shared has been such a huge blessing.  I spent a long time chatting to her doctor about it last week.  She is hopeful that Harpy will outgrow it as she gets older and stronger.  It is just going to take time. One of the things that people with Down syndrome are born with is a shorter neck.  Unfortunately, it does make things harder for Harper when the croup hits as the airways are shorter and the air simply cannot flow. Sweet lovie.

We now have a nebulizer at home.  Though it may not keep us out of the emergency room, it will definitely give her some relief until we can get her there.  For that we are so thankful. 

Jessie, you are the winner of the Kindle.  Please contact me at [email protected] so that I can get it to you.  Thanks!