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The LONG journey

Hi everyone,

Sorry I have taken a while to post….my goodness, we feel like we have been travelling for days! We arrived in Beijing last night and leave in about three hours for Nanjing.

The flight was okay, just long. It felt like we were doing the long haul flight from DC to Johannesburg…but this was shorter. Cade struggled, he was just tired. The novelty of going on an airplane wore off thirty minutes into the journey…joy! Hannah-Claire did great. We arrived at the airport in Beijing and had to catch a taxi to our hotel, needless to say the language barrier became an obstacle in trying to communicate exactly WHICH hotel we needed to get to 🙂 Eventually we found a guy who, it seemed, understood what we were trying to say. He CRAMMED our five suitcases and five carry-on’s into his tiny little car. Cade sat on my lap at the back and Hannah-Claire sat on Ant’s lap in the front. Off we went…we drove and drove (I CLEARLY remembered our travel agent saying that the hotel was near the airport 🙂 ). He took us into some dodgy areas and pulled up into the parking area of three different hotels….every time we shook our heads to tell him “no, this is not it either”. Eventually he called someone and found out where to go…on the other side of the city 🙂 At least we got to see some of Beijing, I guess. Tooooooo funny. Last time were here it was winter, it is so much prettier in summer.

We’re tired (Cade decided that by 2 am he had slept enough!) but excited to be leaving for Nanjing today. So many emotions in both of us. I’ll write more later and post pictures from the last two days…just wanted to let you all know that we are alive and well.

More later……
