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Love came down

Wow, you guys!  Would you believe that $10,000 has been raised for the vehicle Hope Centre Uganda urgently needs for their ministry to the beautiful people of that nation?  In just three days all the money was raised.

The cost of the vehicle which has been made available to them is $6700.  But God knew. The extra money raised will cover every single repair that needs to be done on the used vehicle.  Amazing!  How good is the Lord?!  The burden has been lifted and everything has been provided for.

I am absolutely blown away by your generosity.  And I know the Goerings are too. 

Angie Goering shares her heart and gratitude:

Adéye, nothing ever in my lifetime has blessed us like this has.

When we started this ministry, when we knew what God was asking, we were obedient.  It means that we were called to obey and we did. I would lie to you if I had said this has been easy, we have felt so completely abandoned by people that have promised support.  When we realized our vehicle was not going to be appropriate, when the mechanic asked what in the world were we doing with an Ipsum, when we needed a 4×4, I answered, “This is the car God provided, when the time is right He will provide something else,” completely believing my words. Once again God was faithful. When all the money Randy and I had saved for this ministry was gone, I knew my day of completely trusting in the Lord for each and every second of the day was our lesson.

Any and all words I could say to the people that donated would not be adequate. I am humbled, amazed and feel totally blessed, I want to be one of the African street preachers right now screaming Gods goodness and faithfulness. I want to hug each person, and pray Gods blessings upon them. I want to share the tears of joy seeing the child that realizes that you will give them food, to see that spark of hope enter that child’s eye when you hug them with no regard for the ringworm fungus all over their body. I want to share the joy that comes from living each and every second for the Lord. If I could I would love for people to experience Africa, the way you can almost smell the Lord in the air, to see the person starving to death, barely able to stand up but still singing praises to God.

Isn’t it just amazing how, right from our own homes, we can be part of Father God’s bigger picture?  How just by donating seed into the work of the Kingdom of God, we can be used so powerfully by Him? So often I think we Christians miss it–we focus on the overwhelming devastation in the world and wonder how we can possibly make any kind of difference, when really, God asks us to love the one in front of us–our “neighbor,” or the one who is near at the time.  Focus on the one thing He sends our way on a daily basis–whether that be helping a ministry like Hope Center Uganda, sowing seed into someone’s adoption, or making a meal for someone in need.  That, my friends, is BEING His Church.  It really is so simple, isn’t it?  How we complicate things.

Thank you for opening your hearts to the Goering family.  Thank you for being part of the Lord’s glorious plan to reach hearts and souls in Uganda.  Each and every time they take that vehicle into the back end of nowhere, those of you who contributed go with them.  We get to play a part in lives being rescued, hope being restored, and miracles unfolding.  It doesn’t get much sweeter than that.

I appreciate you all so very, very much.

With a heart overflowing with thankfulness today.
