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Today I look around my home and see nine beautiful blessings–my treasure on this earth.  My heart overflows on this Mother’s Day that God has chosen me to be their Mom.  What did I ever do to deserve such riches?

My heart also aches today for every birth mother who thinks about the child they gave up, for every couple struggling with infertility, and for every heart that longs for their own mother who now calls heaven their home (today, I miss my own Mom fiercely).

And today I hurt so badly for two teenage boys who live in Africa and wait for the day when every promise God has given them for family will come true…

…the day when their sweet “Mum” will be able to return to Africa and finally bring them home.

It was about eighteen months ago that someone posted a picture of two precious boys on my Facebook wall.  The note said, “I know these two boys. We have met them.  They are longing for a family of their own.  Please, someone go for them!”

And on the east coast of the U.S., a dear friend of mine (who had never felt called to adopt!), saw their picture and God moved on her heart as only He can do…

They were hers!

They were her boys.

She would go to the ends of the earth to give them the absolute desire of their hearts…


I have watched their story unfold through many tears.  It takes a very courageous heart for any family to step out in faith and commit to not one, but two teenage boys!  Boys who live in one of the poorest of the poor orphanages.  Boys who have seen many little children leave their orphanage with their forever families.

Boys who have begged their God in heaven, “When will it be our turn?”

Last May, Andrea and her little boy made the trip to Ghana to meet Askia and Joseph. They fell hopelessly in love with these two young men.  Andrea fell so in love with their tender hearts.  They are two boys who have experienced more pain and heartache than most of us can wrap our human heads around, but they love God passionately.

They speak of His goodness and His faithfulness all the time.  His praise is always on their lips.

They trust their Father in heaven with the kind of faith that I personally long to have.

Andrea instantly became their “Mum,”as the boys call her.

The Edmunds family has been waiting for a year to get a court date to adopt Joseph and Askia.  But as things often happen in the world of adoption, the process has been filled with many disappointments along the way.  Last week they found out that the attorney (whom they have paid in full) never bothered to submit their paperwork to the courts…after an entire year of waiting to hear news of them being submitted and getting a court date.

This is a devastating blow for any adoptive family!

And especially for the two children whose hearts have been shattered by this news. I cannot even imagine.  I read this note from Askia and my heart broke.

“mum some times i think i should cry because i dont know my light and right i dont when i am going to be with u forvere and i cry everyday de one i think about, its a long to see him and i think some times i lose hope God because mission inposible if i will never be to (usa)and i see u and de family my mind tells me that i have found what i want in my life may lord be with u. be with family, take u to highiet level love u mum”

Oh, God in heaven!  “I don’t know when I’m going to be with you forever.”

By the grace and guidance of the Lord, a new attorney has been found and has promised to file the necessary paperwork a.s.a.p. Through a reliable contact in America, this new attorney has agreed to do the best he can to help the Edmunds.  BUTTime is of the essence.  Sweet Joseph’s paperwork MUST go through court in Ghana before he turns sixteen on July 2This has become a race against the clock to ensure that this teenager (who calls them “Mum” and “Dad” already!) does NOT age out of the system!

Friends, on this Mother’s Day, would you please prayerfully consider helping Askia and Joseph to finally be able to come home?  Can we give two boys who are aching to come home HOPE this Mother’s Day, please?

The Edmunds family needs to pay an additional $6000 for a new attorney in Ghana THIS WEEK!  Sadly, they have lost all the previous money they paid to file their paperwork to the courts.  They are starting all over again…in a huge hurry.  Can we help to relieve this huge financial burden, please?  Can we sow precious seed so that Joseph and Askia’s hearts will be encouraged on the other side of the world today?  

Your support means the absolute world to the Edmunds family as they continue to journey this road.

All donations can be made via THEIR BLOG HERE!

THANK YOU!  Trusting and believing for a Mother’s Day miracle for Askia and Joseph.
