Today my precious hubby begins a new job. I am SOOOOOO proud of my man. I am soooooo blessed that God gave him to me 🙂 He is the most amazing Dad and the best husband. I am so blessed that he trusts me completely when God speaks to MY heart…he never questions nor doubts. I am so blessed that as we journey in this life together, he will NEVER be satisfied with “normal”. I am so blessed that life outside the boat is where he HAS to be. I am so blessed that he has opened his heart to having a family that is larger than the norm. I am so blessed that he is willing to take in the orphans that are forgotten. When things get tough, his attitude is ALWAYS…MY GOD WILL PROVIDE! I am so blessed that he always strives to be the best provider that he can be…and leaves the rest to God. What a blessing to be married to this man. I am blessed 🙂