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organic seed

We attend homeschool enrichment classes with a group of amazing families. My kids love the classes–and I love that I get to hang out with sweet moms.

For the last few weeks we have been announcing our upcoming benefit concert to help bring Hailee home.

Last week I was walking down one of the hallways when these two precious little girls (age 7 and 10) came running up to me.

“We would like to give this to you. We have been saving our money for a long time, and we want to give it to Hailee. We want you to use the money to go and fetch Hailee and bring her home.”

In their hands was a plastic bag with a few notes and a bunch of coins.

I did everything I could to hold back the tears.  I was so deeply touched.

You see, these girls come from a family who work hard to make ends meet. Their Dad holds down several jobs to pay the bills. They grow their own vegetables to save on the food bill. The girls bake and sell their yummy treats at the enrichment classes. They work hard. Every treat they sell they earn 25c for. At the end of classes, they may earn $2 or $3, if they’re lucky.

It’s like gold to them.

In this bag was their savings. It contained every penny they had raised from selling their goodies. Hard earned money for young girls. A LOT of money for girls who do not come from a family that has a lot of it.

Their treasured savings–they gave it away.

Every single penny of it.

Just for Hailee.

I am so deeply moved by their sweet hearts. As they gave their treasure to me I could sense God smiling. Such sweet and precious hearts giving–not because their mom had told them to. Not because they had extra money at home. I’m sure that at the back of their minds was a toy or a game they had been saving their money for.

These young girls put aside any personal desires they had and they gave.

They wanted to play a small part in Hailee’s story. At their tender ages, they understand that God can multiply any amount of money. That it is all seed. Seed that God uses. Seed that He alone can grow.

And so I looked into their excited little faces and told them, “Watch and see what God does with this money, girls. Watch and see how He multiplies it and makes it grow.  You are both part of Hailee’s story.  You are both playing such a huge part in bringing her home.  God just used you today in such a mighty way.”

Oh how God loves their seed. Organic seed. Precious seed given from tender young hearts.

The lesson was for me.  God used two girls to show me, once again, that it does not matter how much I give…but rather that I just give! No matter how big, or how small.  I often feel bad because I can never give as much as I would love to. So instead of giving what I do have, which seems so inadequate, I hold back and don’t give at all, feeling like my tiny offering couldn’t possibly make any difference.  How wrong. 

God used the giving hearts of young children to remind me that He looks at the heart.  He can multiply anything we sow.  All He needs is the seed. How God grows it is His business.  My business is that I give…sacrificially!

Whether I have been blessed with little, or much, I’m called to give.  Just like those sweet little girls.  I’m called to give out of what I have been given.

When He searches my heart, may He find me as faithful as these little children. 

Learning along the way.
