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“For I know the plans I have for you”

The Lord has really had us in a place of reflecting on the past and praying about the future. The last few weeks have been about us examining our hearts, seeking Him on the passions and desires that are within us. It has been a time of looking back–AND looking ahead.

Where did we begin?

Anthony walked into my life in 1996. We KNEW almost immediately that it was no coincidence. We were engaged three months later, and married 6 months after that. We lived in South Africa where we did any kind of ministry that God sent our way. It was a blessed time. From that day forward we told the Lord “here we are, Lord, use us in whatever way you desire”. It is still the cry of our hearts–to do whatever He tells us to do and to go wherever He sends us.

Before we got married we had the usual chat about how many kids we felt we wanted. Anthony wanted four. I was completely horrified! There was NO WAY I could handle four children–I told him two was my max! Just as well God doesn’t reveal tooooo much information about the future–I probably would have had heart failure had I known what He had planned for the future regarding the size of our family 🙂 Isn’t He just so gracious?????

Along came Connor, our first. Phew…one down I thought to myself. We decided that we would have two kids quickly, and then we would be done. Funny.

I look at our beginnings and am so in awe of what an amazing Father in heaven we serve. The journey’s He takes each one of us on are just soooooo incredible, so part of His purpose and destiny for our lives. The deepest desire of my heart is that I would know what it means to surrender COMPLETELY to His will–holding nothing back. Just absolute abandonment to his will.

The last seven years have been an amazing journey, filled with highs and lows. God has taken us gently by the hand and helped us navigate our way through the good decisions, and the not-so-good. But, through it all He has kept us pressing in and pressing on toward the finish line.

How does the future look? We have no idea….but our promise to the Lord still stands…“here we are Lord, send us!” We know He’ll take us up on it 🙂

Thank you for journeying with us.
