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the power of one

It’s been an interesting few days here on my blog.  When I felt sure that I needed to spend a week highlighting the plight of institutionalized children, I had no idea what God had in store.

Oh my goodness, the response to a crisis which is not spoken about very often has been overwhelming!  My inbox is overflowing with e-mails asking, “What can we do?”  “How can we help?”  I will absolutely share a post very soon on places to get involved and ways to make a difference.

And then there were the other e-mails.  The ones saying, “Really?  Does this really happen?”  Or, “Are you sure those pictures are not old and outdated?”

No, friends.  This is fact!  Reality!  Just ask any parent who has adopted a child from one of these institutions.  Sadly, this is a very common occurrence.

“You can’t save them all,”  someone else said.

Well, yeah, I sure do know that.  I know we are dealing with a crisis which we may only see the end of when Jesus returns (come quickly, Lord Jesus!).  We may never be able to make a massive dent in a humanitarian crisis as large as this. But we sure as heck can try to do everything in our power to literally save the lives of one child at a time!

Just. One.

When it all feels so completely overwhelming and I wonder how in the world we, the body of Christ, are ever going to make any kind of difference, I am reminded of the time when Jesus went to the pool called Bethesda in Jerusalem.  Many, many disabled people lay there.  The Bible calls them “a great number.” Jesus went in and singled out ONE man to be healed.  Just ONE.  He did not look at the overwhelming problem, but went to the ONE…and what a difference He made in the life of that one man!  I believe He was teaching us something there.  He could have looked at the mass of humanity and turned around and walked out the same way He came in.

The same with Zachaeus.  Walking down a jam-packed road, Jesus picked out ONE little short man perched in a tree to have dinner with.

What a profound difference we can all make in the life of ONE!

Because ONE leads to something else, to something else, to something else…and before we know it, something amazingly beautiful has taken place.  Now, on top of that, imagine if there were thousands of families making a difference in the life of ONE!  The ripple effect of obedience is glorious. 

Recently someone reminded me that Mother Teresa took in ONE leper when she began her ministry.  That was it.  That ONE was the seed, the catalyst, that led to so very much more.  More than what one woman could ever have imagined.  God used her obedience to help ONE, then to eventually help countless others.  Just like the story of the starfish on the beach that we all know so well.

Just. One.

My heart is so burdened for the children listed below.  All are already transferred from a baby house to a mental asylum. Each one of them deteriorating so fast–some of them hardly recognizable since transfer. Each precious child needing just one thing…someone to come for them. And when I feel like their time is running out and wonder how they can possibly survive one more day where they are, I am reminded that all they need is one family each.

Just. One.

Beautiful Knesia.  Transferred to an institution and no longer even looking like the same child.  A horrific transformation. Desperately needing someone to come and rescue her as soon as possible.

Just. One.

Or Ekatrina–Once a gorgeous, healthy baby who has Down syndrome.  Now–nothing but skin and bones.  Neglected, malnourished, and living in the confines of a crib 24/7.

Just. One.

Or six-year-old Jeannette–living in a mental asylum and hidden away in a CRIB with no hope at all.  Forever!

Just. One.

Or Melissa–once a blonde-haired beauty with a great curiosity.  Now with a shaved head and is confined to a crib for the rest of her life.

Just. One.

Or Nathan— Neglected, malnourished, and deteriorating more with each passing day and is forced to remain bedridden.

Just. One.

Or sweet little Nicky–once a handsome little chubby-faced baby.  Now–transferred and not a single person has ever inquired about adopting him. So sad!

Just. One.

Or darling Sasha.  Nearly eight years old and literally hanging on by a thread!  Just as it was with our Hailee–he rocks, bangs his head, and bites on his hands to self-soothe!  Oh, but how that would all change if only he was given a chance…to live! Trust me on this one thing…I just have to look at my sweet daughter to know it to be truth.

Just. One.

Oh my goodness gracious!  There just are no words to describe beautiful Alexander (and she is a girl).  Almost ten years old–with no light in her eyes.  Bruises, dark circles, nothing but skin and bone.  Who will love her?

Just. One.

And gorgeous little Ivan.  Also living in an institution–bedridden and wasting away daily.  How he would blossom and grow in a family!

Just. One.

Almost rips my heart out!

The life of a child who gets transferred to an institution/mental asylum is very, very real, friends.  These are sadly just a few of the many, many who deteriorate so fast once they are moved from a baby house to one of these places where it truly becomes survival of the fittest.  MOST just cannot survive the conditions.

We may not be able to save them all…but oh, what a profound difference we can make in the life of one child at a time!

Please share their stories in the hope that they WILL be found…before it is too late!  Please let’s ensure that these children will know what it feels like to be held, loved, comforted, protected, and nourished…just like Liliana will soon know and Teri Lynn too.

Thank you!
