~~~ Life is such a funny thing. Just after I pour my heart out in a post about wanting to linger longer and slow down–yup, things get so hectic and I feel like I can do anything but linger. So crazy. I am such a work in progress. Finding a healthy balance is something I long for but too often get all wrong. I take on more than I should. I focus on all the wrong things. I get distracted. I feel burdened by too many things I cannot change. I have such a long way to go in these things. So thankful that God’s mercies are new each and every morning.
~~~ Spring, spring, where are you? I am so ready for your warmth, your longer days, and your beautiful ability to make everything grow and blossom. Bring it on!
~~~ I simply cannot believe that Hannah-Claire has been home for almost five years already. Where in the world does time go? What a sweet treasure she is to our family. I realized that I have never shared exactly how Hannah-Claire (on the left) became a member of our family. I only started this blog several years after she was home. Hannah-Claire is the fulfillment of a promise God gave me. Her name, the fact that she shares her birthday with her brother, and the way God gently led us to this precious girl are all His handiwork. I cannot wait to share her testimony (and mine) with you soon.
~~~ Last week I finally did it! I literally dragged myself back to the gym. Yeah, I almost died on that elliptical. Goodness gracious. In my quest to find more of a balance in my life, I realized that one area I have been severely lacking in is exercise. I know the benefits of it, and I feel so much better when I do it, but finding the time to actually do it is so hard. Of course I make every excuse under the sun about why it is just impossible to get to the gym regularly. But that is really all they are…just excuses and my way of justifying why it is never going to work. I feel so much better when I’m fit. The endorphins make me happy. And when Mommy’s happy, everyone’s happy. It’s a good thing all around. Now if I can just make it a priority and stick to it. That’s a whole new story.
~~~ Anthony and I have been blown away by how intentional God is in our lives. As we look to the future, and ponder the past, it amazes us how every single thing He has ever done has been so very intentional. Even when we have felt like we have blown it completely and made mistakes, we see His hand upon our lives. He is such a deliberate God. Everything goes according to His plan and purpose when we are surrendered to Him. Everything. Learning total surrender is such a daily thing. Some days we get it right, others we have to try so much harder at letting God have our everything.
~~~ Hailee has been struggling with some major sensory overload issues. Major! For the longest time she did so much better with it. It was really a non-issue for many months. But recently she has regressed in this area. It mainly happens at night–when she is tired after a long day. Taking her out at night is impossible. She does not do well with it. She falls apart every single time. Nothing we do can soothe her when she melts down. Sensory issues are so hard for these little ones. So very hard. Home is where she does best. She knows her routine and copes well with it. We’re taking it one day at a time. For now, we’ll stay home and keep social things to a minimum. I feel so bad for my sweet Hailee.
Do any of you have kids who struggle with sensory issues? This is such a new journey for us. I’d love to hear how you deal with it and how you help your kids to cope.
We’re learning as we go. Trusting the Lord to lead and guide us every step of the way. It is not an easy thing dealing with these issues. But being a parent is never easy, is it? Whether our kids are “healthy” or “special needs” or whatever, parenting keeps us on our knees.
Serving the King of Kings with everything that is within me.