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Today has been set aside as Embryo Adoption Awareness Day.

I love that it’s so close to Thanksgiving.

And I just absolutely LOVE that my family gets to be a part of it.


We truly do have so much to be thankful for.  After weeks of disappointment, obstacles, and setbacks, today has been a victorious day.

“I just got off the phone with your clinic, and the embryologist there let me know that your embryos have arrived as scheduled, and are now safely stored and ready for you whenever you are able to move forward with a transfer. I have to tell you, we all did a little happy dance here today after I got word that they had arrived. You and your family are a direct answer to all the prayers we’ve prayed over these four little ones for the past several years, and I am absolutely delighted that I got to take part in this portion of their journey! We’ll be praying for you in this next stage of the process!”

These are the amazing people at Snowflake®!  They have prayed with us and guided us in every decision that we needed to make, and more than anything, they have loved our tiniest loves passionately, only wanting the BEST for them.  To know that they have been praying for our embryos for so many years, trusting the ONE who holds them in the palm of His hand is such a blessing to us.  They have become like family and we are so grateful for their love and support.

So thankful that our four little ones are where they are meant to be for now–safe and waiting for the long-awaited day when they will be transferred into my womb.  Lord willing, that will still be the last week of January.

Thank you for praying for our precious embryo babies.  Today was a huge answer to prayer.

With a heart overflowing with gratitude.
