I have been meaning to post a few more pics of our trip to South Africa, but time has kind of run away from me.
Here goes–a few memories of our quick trip to Africa….
How wonderful it was to experience the sights, sounds and smells of the land of my birth.
Family! Oh how I miss them. My brother and I with my aunt and uncle on my mom’s side of my family.
I may not have a mom (she went to be with Jesus two years ago), but I am blessed with two Dad’s. My brother, Brett, with Dad and Beth.
Dad and Sylvia.
We spent time at the beach. I know that my dear South African friends living abroad will agree with me on this one thing–there is nothing quite like the beaches in South Africa. They are breathtakingly beautiful.
The feel of sand between our toes after a l-o-n-g winter in the mountains–bliss!
We walked along the pier at one of Port Elizabeth’s most popular swimming beaches.
The boys played in the sand on a warm day.
When it got a little hot–they loved a swim in the ocean.
We were blessed to see a school of over a hundred dolphins swimming by.
The dolphins–so close to the shore.
We loved doing all these things, but most of all–we adored just being with our new niece and cousin.
The boys cuddled…
And cuddled some more…
And when we were done cuddling sweet baby, we goofed around with the ones we love.
As I told my precious friend yesterday (the one who so generously blessed us with tickets to visit my family), seeing my family, being in my hometown and seeing friends was just absolutely perfect. But, for me, the greatest blessing of all is the memory that my two boys will have for the rest of their lives–the time when they got to go alone with mom for just a few short days to visit their family. I know the sweet memory of it will live with them forever. That, to me, is priceless.