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sharing our Hasya

It’s been a ridiculously crazy week. I finally had a chance to upload (download?) the videos I took in Bulgaria.

Oh my goodness gracious!  I just have to share our sweet and beautiful Hasya with you.  This video makes me cry every single time I watch it. Like, bawl!

I already shared with you how terribly difficult our first two days together were for her.  Hasya was completely freaked out!  She had been taken out of the only environment she has ever known for fourteen years and seven months–her crib.  She did not know me.  She did not know the room we were in.  It was absolutely terrifying for her!  She pretty much cried from the time they placed her in my arms until the time they took her back to the room she shares with five other precious loves.  On the second day, things were so hard and stressful for her that I asked the director if I could put Hasya in her crib and spend time with her in HER environment. I figured that would make things so much easier on her. They agreed and we did just that.

This video was taken late in the afternoon last Thursday–our fourth day together.  By this time she knew that I loved her.  She knew that she was safe with me.

And starting to emerge from that pitifully small, desperately malnourished girl were more and more smiles…and even the tiniest of giggles…perhaps for the first time ever in her 14 years on this earth!

Just the fainest of giggles which brought this mother to her knees…thanking God for the beautiful glimmer of HOPE, and JOY, and His astounding ability to take a broken, discarded little life and begin to breathe LIFE into her!

I cry.

And I long for the day when glorious laughter will bubble forth and the sound of her LIFE will fill this home.

That day IS coming.  Yes, it is!

Meet our darling Hasya.

The one who God “has had mercy on,” as her name means.

He will send help from heaven to rescue me, 
 disgracing those who hound me. 
 My God will send forth his unfailing love and faithfulness.”  Psalm 57:3

Beautiful Hasya from Adeye Salem on Vimeo.

Watch and be amazed at what HE will do in her life!

Look among the nations and watch—Be utterly astounded!”  Hab. 1:5
