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Happy Thanksgiving, precious friends and family! I must say, it is one American holiday that I really love. It makes me pause, reflect and ponder on the things that I am so grateful for in this life.

And—I’m getting better….we have lived in the USA for 4 1/2 years now. The first year my kids asked me “Mom, what is Thanksgiving about?”, the only answer I had was “I have no idea, I guess it is just because we need to be thankful!” Duh! The second year I told them it MUST have something to do with turkeys—that was really good! By the third year I was getting really clued up—I knew there were Indians involved. Wow, this year I have it down! I know the whole story, I can actually give my kids an educated answer—praise God for homeschooling, it is the only way I am learning about American History 🙂 I am learning with my kids—sometimes I feel like God is giving me a second chance at “school”, my first 12 years there ALL about boys and a great social life—and very little about learning anything at all 🙂

So much to be thankful for this year. Thanksgiving, for me, is a wonderful reminded to SLOW DOWN, think about things in my life, and give all honor and praise to my Father in heaven. I had a wonderful reminder from a friend this week about the need to slow down, even if just a little 🙂 There is NOTHING slow about my life. From the moment my feet hit the deck in the morning it is BUSY. Yet, there has to be a balance to it all—I am still trying to find it, I must confess.

I am so grateful today, so thankful for a Savior, the ONE who rescued me out of the miry pit and set my feet on solid ground. The ONE who took this sinner and showed me a better way. The ONE who has been so absolutely faithful, and has showed me miracle after miracle—now I have come to expect them!

Even if just for today, I will slow down! I will enjoy the blessings that Father God has given me—my husband, my five beautiful children and the precious friends He has given us in Colorado. Each one of these blessings I prayed for, no, actually pleaded the Lord for. Because of His great love for me, He gave them to me—each and every one. “Ask and you WILL receive”, hey? What an amazing privilege to take care of, protect and nurture the BLESSINGS that God has given me. Pure joy!
