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ten random things

~~~  Thank you for all the very kind notes I have received about Hasya’s weight gain and journey to health.  I appreciate it so much.  Many of you have asked for a list of exactly what I feed her. No problem! I will share that next week. I will also do a detailed post on her development–so many ask how she’s doing.  Thank you for caring about our precious daughter.  I know that God has heard every single prayer you have prayed for her since the day we committed to adopt her.  I can never thank you all enough.

~~~  Thanks too for all the e-mails about our journey with Isagenix.  I think I have responded to everyone.  If you have not heard back from me yet, please resend your e-mail–it may have ended up in the spam folder.  Thanks!

~~~  I am so excited to start a nine-day cleanse on Monday.  Hoping to finally be able to lose the last of the stubborn pounds that I have been trying to get rid of.  My treat once I hit my goal weight will be a new hairstyle.  I’ve been wanting to cut my hair much shorter for a while and finally found a style that I love.  Can’t wait!

~~~  We’re still trying to get to the bottom of why Harper gets such bad croup so frequently.  Tomorrow night we will spend a night in the hospital where she will have a sleep study done.  No fun, but necessary.  I know she’s going to hate it.  Poor lovie.

~~~  Kael’s walking legs are finally getting stronger.  He’s still not walking unassisted, but he’s definitely more willing to stand on his legs for longer periods of time.  Slow and steady wins the race.

~~~  Next weekend we will have four teenagers in the house.  Love my sweet teens.

~~~  So many of you have asked me what I feed my family these days. HEALTHY! I will start sharing that soon too. My boys have one stipulation. “Mom, we will not be vegans!”  Got it!

~~~  I took Hailee to a new pediatrician yesterday.  His main advice for Hailee? Feed her Carnation Instant Breakfast for extra calories.  Ummm…thanks, but no thanks!  I am having such a tough time finding a new doctor here. The joys of starting over.

~~~  And as for our little firecracker…well…she’s still our dynamite in a tiny package. Nobody can keep me running like Hailee girl can.

~~~  God has been so good to me in this crazy season we’re in.  Each day He tenderly takes me by the hand and reminds me to wait patiently.  Patience is not one of my strengths.  At all!  There are such lessons to be learned in the valley, aren’t there?  I am learning to press in on those days when I feel like the mountain top will never come.  I’m learning that His timing is so much better than mine. I’m learning that He truly does work out all things for the good of those who love Him.

But most of all, I’m learning to trust the One who is exceedingly, abundantly able with everything that is within me.

Have a very blessed weekend with the ones He has given you.
