Shhhh! I’m hijacking my wife’s blog today because IT’S MOTHER’S DAY!!
She’s thinks I’m a good photographer, except for these photos. She HATES them. But…oh, well! I love them. I don’t think she looks like a “wannabe model,” as she says. I think she looks like a hot wife.
Soooooo…apart from the photo collage, honey, this is for YOU! I love you with all of my heart!
Honey, I finally get to tell the world what I think about you. And being a man, I have to put it in bullet points. (Feel lucky I didn’t put it in PowerPoint!)
-As you know, I have had my share of struggling relationships with women. Before I met you, I couldn’t hold a relationship for longer than 14 months. But this year we’ve been married for 14 YEARS! Either God did an amazing work in my life, or your patience is no less miraculous than the Red Sea parting. I think it’s a lot of both.
-You have followed me all over the world, when a lot of women would’ve said, “You’re on your own, bud.” You have not only believed in the God in me, you have believed in ME. And for that, I am eternally grateful.
-Before you, I could not trust any woman. I trust you with my whole heart, and always have, from the first day we met until now.
-You are the only woman I know who can hear a cacophony of child clatter, have deflated rubber balls and paper airplanes graze your cheeks, and have the phone ring and someone at the door, all while remaining calm and freakishly pleasant.
-Everything you have put your hands to has prospered, with the exception of one short season of trying to sell women’s clothes. You have a gift of common sense, perseverance, a hard-work ethic, and immense wisdom.
-You have a pure and simple, yet profound love of Jesus, and you’ll do anything for Him. And I mean anything. You trust Him with your very life, the lives of your children, and your crazy husband.
-You have coined the famous Salem battle cry, “Is God God?!” This has quickly brought all of us into a reality check when we’ve needed it the most.
-You hear from God when I’m too dense to.
-Your passion for the orphan is second to none. God has been pleased to use you to bring four orphans into our home and countless others into other homes. Otherwise, they would be shriveling away, abused, or dead in orphanages around the world! I cannot tell you how proud I am of you.
-I love how you are so generous. The only reason why you would love to have a lot of money is so that you can give it away. And you are fully persuaded that even when we don’t have money and give it away, that Jehovah Jireh will take care of us nevertheless, and He always does! You have taught me this lesson when it used to be something I only preached about.
-“Things” don’t matter to you. People do. And especially your family. Thank you for doing without so many “things” for so long, and being content! You are a wonderful example to me and our family.
-You are a loyal friend. Anyone who can call you friend is extremely privileged because a friend of Adéye is a friend for life.
-Like Christ, you have a heart for the underdog. If they hurt, you hurt, and you will do whatever it takes to care for their needs.
-I truly believe that you are getting more attractive with age, which I thought was an impossibility since I thought you couldn’t look any better when we first met. You’re a hottie!
-You like coffee as much as I do.
-You’re a vegetarian, so you’re a cheap date.
-You never have bad breath.
-Because you’re 14 years younger than I am, you’re going to visit me in the nursing home and bring me my teeth.
-And last but certainly not least, you are the best mother I could ever have imagined for my children. When I’m a jerk, the kids have you to make sure they’re not going to go “postal” someday.