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unimaginable loss and carrying their burden

Today, our small adoption community grieves once again. I know that many of you know the precious and amazing Musser family.  Yesterday, in a tragic accidental drowning, their beloved Tommy went home to be with Jesus. Tommy came home from the same orphanage as Hasya just one year ago.

Sweet Tommy knew the love of a family.  He knew what it meant to be loved, treasured, showered with hugs and kisses. For that, we are so, so grateful.

Our hearts are aching for a family that has lost their treasured son. Such pain and loss so many of our hearts simply cannot fathom.

Today we cling to the hope that we have in JESUS and we pray that the Father would hold the Mussers so tightly in this season of sorrow–that He would cocoon them in His love and peace that passes all understanding. 

We hold onto the promise that some day every tear will be wiped away and we will never know sorrow or pain again.

Until that day comes, we cry out to the Lord, “Faithful Father, be so close to the brokenhearted!”

Please pray for this beautiful family.  Their grief is unimaginable, the pain and sorrow so very raw.

Oh, sweet little Tommy.  Finally healed and whole in every way. Dance with Jesus, little guy.  We’re longing for the day when you will be reunited with your family who I know misses you so much already.

I know that when tragedy strikes, we all want to do something to help. Right now the greatest need the Mussers have is to cover the funeral costs for their sweet Tommy.  Honestly, finances should be the last of their concerns! Can we please lift this burden for them, body of Christ?  Can we take this weight off their shoulders? What a tremendous blessing that would be to them in this incredibly difficult season of their lives!

Thank you for bringing the Musser family before the throne of abounding grace today, friends.  I know it will mean the world to them.

“They’re his people, he’s their God. He’ll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone.” The Enthroned continued, “Look! I’m making everything new. Write it all down—each word dependable and accurate.”  ~~  Revelation 21:3-4  (The Message)
