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would you pray, please?

My heart is so burdened tonight.

So many needs.

So many aching hearts this Christmastime.

Tonight there are a few things on my heart, and I thought I would come and share them with you all in the hope that you will join your prayers with mine.

Another darling little boy who has Down syndrome is fighting for his life tonight.  His name is Ethan and many of us have seen this little guy, who is also adopted, endure surgery after surgery. Ethan has spent most of his short life in a hospital! This week he got a horrible virus and is now on a ventilator.

Please, please pray for Ethan’s Christmas miracle.  And pray for his family too–they are once again at the bedside of their beloved son–crying out to God for mercy and trusting that this time too He will give them a miracle!

And then, I know that many of you have already heard the devastating news of the impending BAN that Russia is putting on international adoptions.  In my understanding, the ban has already been approved and is now waiting on the final signature of President Putin.  If passed, ALL Russian adoptions will immediately come to a halt–no matter where a family is in the process.  Some families have already made the first trip to Russia–they have met the children they are longing to bring home…and they may be told no!

This is absolutely devastating for Russian children–many, many who have special needs and will never have the opportunity to be adopted if the ban is passed! You can read more here.

Please, join your prayers with many of us in the adoption community as we cry out on behalf of the thousands of innocent children this ban would affect.  It is truly beyond human understanding.

And lastly, please pray for the 68 children who quickly got added to this post–precious, beautiful and amazing children created in the image of a Father in heaven who does all things well.  Each little angel needing just one thing…someone to give them a chance at LIFE!

Hanging onto the HOPE that we have in the ONE who came as a baby and showed us the way to eternal life.

I have read so many opinions over the last few days. Please, don’t anyone bother leaving a comment telling me that the ban on Russian adoptions is a GOOD thing!  You have no idea the consequences this will have on children who languish in cribs and those who have severe medical needs!  Seriously, don’t waste your time here–rather go overseas and SEE for yourself what unimaginable suffering and desperation looks like to an innocent child–and then come back with an educated opinion. We’re talking about the LIVES OF CHILDREN!
