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The world from our windows today…


That’s where you’ll find me on days like these.

We’ve had plenty of time to catch up on some school work–and bake, and clean house, and try new recipes and play games.

Definitely not my first choice in weather. But, on days like this, I just have to trust my God, who holds the weather in His hands, that He knows what He’s doing.



We’re busy getting the benefit concert for Hailee organized. I am so excited about it. Can’t wait to tell you what we have planned. Trusting the Lord for great things on the night of October 10.


We’re still waiting for the final interview to obtain my citizenship. Please trust with us that we will receive it soon. Very soon.

Not only is it important for us to get to Hailee quickly due to her fragile health, but on any given day she can be transferred to a mental institution. Right now she is in a baby house. Not a great place to be in a third world country. But so much better than a mental institution. Having already turned four, she is on the list to be transferred. Could happen at any time. If that were to happen–oh my goodness, it would be horrendous for her. She would not survive. She is too frail and too weak to survive in those conditions.

She cannot be moved! We need to get there soon.

Thank you for praying. Thank you for trusting with us that Hailee remain where she is until we can get there.
