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A Special Day

What a beautiful birthday I had. The Father blessed me with JUST what I needed—a warm day! We live at a very high altitude, so the kids and I headed down the mountain, about thirty minutes away—seeking out the warmest park to play in. A birthday with my children=the best fun.

We have a very (healthy and nutritious) tradition in our family—-birthday cake for breakfast! The best part about it is that it gets five children on a complete sugar high at 7am—what a great way to start the day.

The two oldest boys. Mmmmm—-we have a deal going with Kellan, (on the right). He has been begging us to be able to grow his hair, just a little. The problem is that he has this crazy, thick, wavy hair—a challenge to grow. So we gave in and told him he could do it on one condition—that he take care of it (gel it in the morning) and make sure that he at least looks respectable (trust me, if this kid had his way he would look like Einstein every day, and love it). I looked at this photo and thought about how well we’re doing enforcing our agreement— such diligent parenting 🙂

Okay Mom—do you see me making an effort to at least try and like the park? Look at me go!

Actually, come to think of it—maybe this park place is not tooooo bad!

Oh the little guy—does there always have to be ONE kid who refuses to cooperate when it’s picture time? No matter how much you bribe, act silly, promise them their favorite treat—it’s futile.

So sweet. Look at Haven—that is her attempt at a smile for the camera. They were quite high off the ground (I obviously put her up there), she was NOT too sure about it. At least she forced her best smile. True to himself, one’s missing…….

Sitting in the front of all the kids, but refusing to have his picture taken. Oh, the joys of many small kiddos. They say to pick your battles wisely—some are just not worth fighting, for this mommy.
