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Back to square one

Just when I think I have things all figured out and everything in it’s place I discover that I really do need to take JUST one day at a time :).

Last week I posted about Haven attending part-time school with my other kids, and the fact that she was too old to attend kindergarten, as was originally suggested. Well, things have changed again. For the last two days Haven has been spending time with therapists at the school. They have really pooled their resources and ideas….their unanimous advice–Haven will thrive in full time Kindergarten. Yip, we back at the kindergarten suggestion. They ALL feel that no matter what her age, she is tiny (she looks like a kindergartner) and sooooo delayed that they feel there is no reason why the school district should not bend their rules and allow her in. They would advocate on our behalf, if it is what we want for Haven.

Anthony and I are prayerfully considering what the best thing to do is. One concern I do have is that the kindergarten classes are large. I am a little concerned that kids will bully her once they find out that she cannot defend herself. Kids can be mean! I need her to be in a very safe environment where she will be protected and cared for. Hannah-Claire will go with her, but she is just 6 years old, she cannot protect her sister. I looked into the Christian school today as an option–it is completely unaffordable for us AND they do not provide the services Haven requires. Public school is the only place she will receive the intervention services. So….do we just continue with the part-time option, OR do we put her in full time as has been recommended? Full time school would give her access to more services than she is getting in part-time school. Please pray we discern what the right thing to do is. Obviously we only want what is best for her regarding her schooling, but at the same time we need to know that she is going to be well taken care of wherever she ends up. Any emotional trauma would be devastating for her at this point in her life. She is beginning to feel safe and emotionally stable. We cannot take the chance of her regressing in that area, she has gained too much ground.

My heart breaks—every therapist that meets Haven is shocked at how delayed she is for an eight year old. They have never seen a case like hers before. The “Autism” theory gets thrown around a bit–is she or is she not????? I guess that only time will tell. They will monitor her development very carefully–if she learns and grows fairly quickly it will be a great sign. We just don’t know what is happening with her mentally. She DOES learn things, it just takes her longer than the average child. She tries hard. Is there something more permanent happening in her brain? We just do not know—but God does, and that’s all we need to know at this stage 🙂
