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A new day and a new opportunity to serve the Lord! How can I DECREASE so that He can INCREASE in my life today? How can there be less of me and more of Him in my life? How can I bless your heart today, Father? Teach me how to live a life that is COMPLETELY surrendered to YOUR will…no matter what that means or where it takes me. I never want to be comfortable, and I don’t want my children to be either….I want to live a life that makes no sense in the natural… at the place where Jesus is!

Each day is a gift from You, I know that. Help me to put aside the things that are less important in my days and focus on ONLY what is important to You. Help me not to get caught up in the small stuff, the things that would take my attention off my calling and my purpose in this life. The things that would weigh me down and hold me back. I have one shot at this life on earth. Help me to make every day count. Keep me focussed on the task You have given me and help me to do it with all my heart.

I long to have a pure heart…a servants heart…I have such a long way to go! When the monotony of cleaning, preparing food, endless laundry and countless trips to the grocery store weigh me down; help me to remember that I PRAYED for each one of these. I prayed, no begged, You for a faithful, loving husband…You gave him to me. I prayed for a place I could call home…You gave it to me. I prayed for the gift of many children…You gave it to me! You have blessed me with every desire of my heart, and more. What a slap in Your face when I grumble, complain and have a bad attitude when I have to take care of all of the above. Help me to have a grateful heart this day…grateful that you have blessed me exceedingly, abundantly MORE than I could ever have imagined.

I am BLESSED. My flesh will always need more, want more….but none of it really matters! Being obedient and faithful to what He has placed in my hands to do THIS DAY is really ALL that matters. Living a life of purpose is all I long for!
