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URGENT: let’s help them cross the finish line!

Today I would love to introduce you all to a very special friend of mine.  She’s one of my dearest friends in the world and an absolute treasure in the Kingdom of God!

Rachel and her family leave in just a few days to bring home their newest blessing–a sweet boy who has waited on waiting-child websites for two long years to be chosen.  For that long, he has been overlooked and rejected by family after family simply because…

He’s a boy.

He has the words, “developmental delay,” next to his name.

A double whammy!

The Yeatts family saw a picture of this darling little angel and saw beyond the label–they saw a little boy with the potential to become so much more.

A treasure just waiting to be found.

This family is certainly not new to raising children who struggle.  It feels like yesterday that I stood in an airport in Virginia and watched them arrive home from China with the most fragile, deathly ill little girl I think I had ever seen.  A little girl with a severe heart defect and a prognosis that would make most of us say, “Thanks, but no thanks!”

But not them.

Over the past three years I have watched their little Lily blossom and grow in their care.  I have seen a little flower emerge from those ashes.  I have seen Chris and Rachel go to enormous lengths to see their Lily become stronger and healthier.  Lily’s future remains so very uncertain–the prognosis the same–but what beautiful HOPE she has because one family took a chance when no one else would.

And so it is with Cole.  A little boy in China finally has HOPE because a family is willing to take a chance…no matter what becomes of his life.

Whether he catches up developmentally.

Or he doesn’t!

To them, he is precious beyond description just the way he is.

Unfortunately time is not on their side.  The Yeatts family thought they would still have time to fundraise but have recently been given a surgery date for their Lily We have prayed for almost three years for Lily’s heart to be strong enough for her to go through very risky open heart surgery which could (please, God!) prolong her life substantially.  Because of Lily’s surgery, their travel date has been moved forward to enable them to be home by the scheduled surgery date in August.

They leave in just ten days.

Ten days to raise the remaining $5000!

Impossible?  No way!  Just an incredible opportunity for the LORD to show His glory and His passionate love for the fatherless.

Will you please help this amazing family to cross the finish line?  With so much on their plates right now, I long to see this huge financial burden lifted!  I long to see them get on a flight to China knowing that this is the least of their concerns–getting their Cole and coming home to take care of Lily should be the only burden on their hearts!

The Yeatts family has a giveaway happening RIGHT HERE!  No amount is too small to donate–it’s ALL precious seed that God can and will multiply to ensure that there is one less orphan in the world in just ten days time!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, friends who read here.  And thank you for prayerfully considering helping this amazing family who is so dear to our hearts.

You can follow the Yeatts family to China AND through Lily’s open heart surgery RIGHT HERE.  I know that they appreciate your prayers so very much as they trust God in all these things.

Show us your glory, Lord Jesus!
