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people ask me…

Why I spend so much time here on my blog advocating for orphans around the world?

“You can’t save them all,” they say.

“Why don’t you just let children grow up in their own countries?”

“Is this your family blog or an adoption blog?”

Well, the answer is simple really.

Like it or not, I will spend the rest of the days the LORD gives me breath on this earth fighting with everything I have for the orphan–for the ones who have no voice!

I will never, ever give up on the ones left behind.


Because I have seen with my own eyes.  I have witnessed what a difference family can make in the life of a child.  I have seen a miracle unfold before my very eyes…every single day in my home. 

Her name is Hailee, and she is a miracle.

Hailee in the orphanage–on death’s doorstep!

Hailee after just nineteen months of being home.

I believe with all my heart that there is HOPE for every child on the planet–no matter what is “wrong” with them, no matter how malnourished they are, no matter how profound their needs are, no matter how many people feel that they are better off where they are…

I disagree.

Family.  It changes everything.
