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things you just have to know

About me.

Well, not really. I mean, you really don’t have to know. But I thought I’d tell you anyway.  Just because.

~~~ I absolutely hate snakes–they totally creep me out. They were cursed to the ground for a reason, you know.

~~~ I have been a vegetarian for almost 23 years. Will I ever go back to being an omnivore? Nope. I just could never do it.

~~~ I need to have a clean house. When my home is in disarray, everything in my life just feels completely disorganized and crazy. And then I’m really crabby. A crabby wife and mommy is not a good thing.  So I keep my house clean. Anthony is convinced that if he sits around just a little too long, he too will be packed away.

~~~ I’m still dreaming about my home in the country that God has not given me yet. Perhaps He never will.  I have no idea.

~~~ I love to add color to my homes.  Only problem is that it usually takes at least three bad (or awful) paint choices before I find it–the one I love best. And I’m not talking about painting a tiny area and then deciding I hate it.  Oh no, I paint the entire room with the trim only to decide a few hours later that it is so not going to work, thank you very much.  Poor husband has completely given up all hope that I’ll make less work for myself in this area.

~~~  I miss my family, and my home country, more than ever before.  Having no family around is something I will never get used to. I miss family gatherings and special days with extended family.

~~~  Pink and orange are my favorite colors. But pink is my most favorite.

~~~  I love all things girly and pretty.  I’m making up for my days as a tomboy.

~~~  I struggle to find a healthy balance with everything I have to do in my days.  That Proverbs 31 woman seems so out of reach for me on some days.  I often wonder if I will ever get there.

~~~  I think that watching a lot of television is a complete waste of time.  The only kind of movie I ever watch are lame chick flicks that need very little brain function. Oh, and comedies are sometimes okay too, just as long as they’re clean.  I can’t stand bad language in movies.  What’s the point of it?

~~~  I absolutely have to take a bath or a shower before I go to bed at night. 

~~~  My daughter is having Botox injected into her eyes next month–I’m thinking that I’d love the leftovers. I look in the mirror and see the 4-0 coming before I know it.  Oh my.

~~~  I am not the kind of mom who can let my children go without showers for days on end. They shower every night–unless we are out and get home too late. I guess I’m just a total clean freak.

~~~  I cook from scratch almost every night.  Some days, however, frozen pizza is about the only thing I can put together.

~~~  My husband calls me a granny driver.  I have only got one speeding ticket in my entire driving career.  When we lived in Australia.  It came in the mail and Anthony did not believe it.  So he drove to the place where the ticket was issued and asked to see photographic evidence that it was indeed his wife, and that it was not some crazy mistake.  Surely she was not capable of speeding?  Lo and behold–there I was–smiling happily in the picture as I drove along.  (In Australia you are caught speeding on camera.)  Today, Anthony STILL has the photo.  It remains one of his more prized possessions.

~~~  I hate being late for anything. I’m usually early for appointments.

~~~  I know that I really ought to teach my children out of the King James Bible.  That’s what every good homeschooling family does. But what’s a mama to do when she has no idea what they’re saying in it?  It confuses the dickens out of me.  Just like Shakespeare.  Sorry, kids, you will forever be deprived in this one area of homeschool. Oh well.

~~~  I often think about the wonder of carrying a baby in the womb and all the feelings that go with it.  I miss that.  It feels like such a long time ago.

~~~  Every time I see a teenage boy walking down the street with his pants around his knees I giggle at how ridiculous it looks.  Don’t their mothers tell them that it is one of the most awful fashions to ever exist?  I just know that some day those poor dudes are going to see pictures of themselves and totally cringe–like I do when I see my hip 80’s fashions. 

~~~  I would love to go on a cruise some day.  Just me and my husband. No kids in sight.  What a novelty that would be. It has been nine years since we went away alone together. Sad.

~~~  Olives are totally gross.

~~~  I never used to be a very frugal person.  These days I’m so different.  I have had to learn how to make our dollars go further as our family has increased.

~~~  Zoos make me cry.  I feel so sorry for the animals, especially if they are cooped up in small spaces. So not right.

~~~  I really am an African American. It’s true.

~~~  I have traveled to over thirty countries in the world.  I have many favorites.  Greece (for the beaches), England (for the beauty), Switzerland (for the mountains) and Italy (for the yummy food).

~~~  I totally don’t get Twitter and those kinds of social thingys.  Who cares who’s pumping gas or just bought new shoes?  I seriously don’t get the hype. I wonder how in the world people even find time to update those things fifty thousand times a day.  Sheesh, I struggle to even respond to e-mail.

There.  Now you know me a whole lot better.
