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a new date and questions

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  We loved the past few days of warmer weather.  Yesterday we were in the 60’s and by Wednesday the high will be 16.  Yikes!

I thought I would give you all an update about where things are for our newest adoption as well as answer some questions I have received recently. It’s been such an incredible journey so far.  I am in awe of my God!  I must admit that a few weeks ago I wondered how in the world He was going to work things out.

How could I ever have doubted?! My God is a faithful God!

The good news is that, together with our amazing agency, Snowflake®, we are in the process of moving our embryos from the clinic where they are now to our new clinic.  Honestly?  I cannot wait to move them to their new home.  The staff at our new clinic has been so incredibly kind and understanding.  They have embraced us with arms wide open and they will do anything to see these children have life. They have been so kind and gracious, and I cannot wait to meet them in person.

In the next couple of weeks our babies will be transported across the country.  Of course there are risks involved and I will share those with you closer to the time so that you can pray with us that they will be protected in every way!

The other good news is that I have a new transfer date.

January 26, 2015 is the date that God has ordained for the surviving embryos to be transferred into my womb. We are so excited!

To answer some of your questions…

We are in the beginning stages of considering embryo adoption.  Can you share what your experience with Snowflake® has been like, please?  Any advice would be so appreciated.

When we started this journey, we looked into a few options for adopting embryos.  We chose Snowflake® because we wanted to work with an agency that shares our hearts–an agency that believes that life is precious and to be treasured and that all life is worth fighting for.  We were instantly drawn to their “special consideration” program.  What touched us the most was that an adoption agency went to such great lengths to share the profiles of families with remaining embryos who, perhaps, may struggle to find adoptive families a little more than others.  We loved that they saw these embryos as being just as worthy of being placed in families as those who did not have any “special considerations.”  In a world where “imperfect” embryos are so quickly discarded, their desire to see these precious loves given a chance touched my heart so deeply.

I called a few places as I was learning about embryo adoption.  Some responded to my questions with, “You already have HOW MANY children?” to “I’m sorry, but we only place our embryos in families who are either childless or who have one child.”

From the moment I called Snowflake® I felt accepted for who we were no matter how many children we already had.  No judgment whatsoever.  No closed doors. And even when I shared that we only wanted to adopt those embryos which were harder to place in families–even though we already had a few children and multiple special needs–they were so kind and gracious to encourage me to pursue what GOD had put on our hearts.

As many of you who have followed from the start know, this journey has already been filled with so many challenges.  I can honestly say that I have not once felt alone as we have taken one baby step at a time.  The agency has stood up with us when we needed to fight for LIFE and have helped us to navigate every decision that has needed to be made.  They have been so supportive and encouraging, and I am so thankful to the LORD that He led us to this program.

I will also add that I have been so touched by the way Snowflake® has communicated with the genetic family of our embryos.  So much love and respect and only wanting to do what is best for these embryos.  Nothing less!  I love that so much.

For anyone considering embryo adoption, I cannot recommend Nightlight’s Snowflake® program highly enough.


I’m curious about what you need to do to prepare your body for a frozen embryo transfer.  Can you share?

Absolutely!  I’m still waiting to get the protocol from my new clinic but I think I have a good idea.  I should start a birth control pill fairly soon.  After that I will do five weeks of hormones to prepare my body.  Mainly progesterone, I think.  I’m told they are daily shots {gulp!}.  As far as side effects go, I believe that it varies from person to person–PMS type feelings and weight gain are what most women seem to struggle with.  I’m not too crazy about having to deal with either one, BUT, it’s for such a short time in my life and I know the LORD will see me through it.  If it means giving these babies a better chance to survive, I’ll absolutely do it.  I learned that some women do choose to forgo the hormones and drugs and do it naturally.  But I don’t think I could do that.  I would regret not doing everything in my power to try and give these children life.

Why do you insist on personifying an embryo? They’re not people.

I guess that depends when you believe life begins.  For us, life begins at conception. Period.  From the moment that the sperm meets the egg, you have LIFE.  An embryo is the beginning of a baby and since it was created by the Almighty Father as such, I will always refer to it as a human being.  I know that many people see life as beginning when there is a visible beating heart on an ultrasound.  I do not!  Even if just one cell is visible under a microscope, it’s life.

You’re in your forties now. Are you sure that you are able to carry a child?

Yes, I am.  I am fit and very healthy.  I have no health issues at all.  It’s a crazy thing to me, this whole advanced maternal age thing. It seems that as soon as you hit 35, you’re considered too old to have a child.  I cannot tell you how many moms have reached out to me over the past few months sharing their own “advanced age” births.  We have a family in our church that had their last baby at 46.  Did God not give us the menstrual cycle during our child-bearing years?  Doesn’t it sometimes go on into our late 40’s and even early 50’s?  Our culture tells us that we’re crazy to consider having babies at our age.  I am so thankful that I have ONE voice to listen to.  The voice of truth.  If He calls me by name and if He chooses to bless us with a pregnancy, I’ll trust that He will equip me and enable me to carry that baby.  It’s as easy as that.  And besides, I still feel 22 anyway.

That’s it for now.  If you have a question that you would love for me to answer, go ahead and leave it as a comment and I will be sure to answer it for you.

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