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beauty in the small things

There is so very much that astounds me about raising a child who spent fifteen years confined to a crib.

We marvel at the big things…

A sixteen year old learning to eat solids for the first time.

A tiny, desperately malnourished frame getting bigger and healthier.

Bones growing stronger.

A blind child learning that touch is a wonderful and amazing thing.

A neglected and abandoned love learning to fully trust.

Yes, we rejoice and praise God for the huge milestones that we see here in our home.

Our hearts overflow with gratitude.

But I am also so mindful of the seemingly little things.

The things that most teenagers in the world take for granted.  I know I did.

Like being able to just be a girl.

And have beautiful long hair!

For the first time in her life.

God’s beautiful story of redemption and healing…

…on the inside…

…and on the outside.

This precious young lady of ours…

…she is teaching me to see beauty in the small things.

Each one a precious and amazing GIFT from heaven.

Thank you, Father, for the gift of big miracles and small ones too.

We’ll embrace them all and remember daily that EVERYTHING comes from your mighty hand.

THANKFUL for the ONE who does indeed make beauty rise from the ashes.

