I opened my e-mail this evening to an overwhelming number of messages pleading for my help with a campaign that is happening right now. I didn’t know about it until today.
Most of you know about the Russia’s ban on American adoptions. I shared about it here. Our hearts have broken for the children who have been denied families. Many of these children have already met the families longing to bring them home–families who have loved on them, kissed them, and cuddled the precious little loves born in their hearts–promising them that they would return for them.
And then the whole thing fell apart. Russia banned adoptions!
Over the last few months I have watched these families do everything in their power to fight for their children. Personally, as a mother of adopted children, I simply cannot imagine meeting my children overseas and then never being able to bring them home. I just cannot. Most of these children have special needs and are in dire need of medical attention, therapies, and someone to give them everything they deserve. If you have read here for a while, you have seen the difference family makes to a child who has special needs.
One mom wrote to me today and said this, “There is an amazing woman in London who is trying her best to help us out. She made a film about 3 children adopted from Russia and has been showing it in the US, Moscow and Istanbul. She is trying to raise the money to show it in many other countries and to engage a Lobbyist, foreign relations expert and a press strategist. Please ask your readers to go to her kickstart page and pledge. The Russian government tried to stop her from showing this film in Istanbul and she had an overwhelming response to it from the other countries. The money will only be charged to the credit cards if she makes her goal. We have such a long way to go and only about 19 hours left to raise the money. Please help spread the word.”
Sadly, that’s now only thirteen hours left.
I went to the website and got so tearful. These are good people trying everything they possibly can to see these 300 children come home to the families which adore them already.
Unfortunately, it’s costly.
There is always a cost to redemption–saving lives never comes without a price.
But these children are worth it! Every child is worth it.
Together, as people who care for the fatherless, we can join our voices with theirs and make a difference. There is power in numbers!
As I write this at 09:50 p.m. Mountain Time, they have just thirteen hours left to raise the necessary funds to continue on with this project. They are only looking for pledges right now. Money will only be taken if and when the goal is met!
Would you please consider rallying for these families and their dear children literally stuck in orphanages in Russia? Will you trust and believe that God has gone before them and leveled this enormous mountain already?
GO HERE for information on the documentary and to make a pledge.
We may never be able to go on a short term mission, love on orphans in faraway lands, feed the hungry children with our own two hands, or help restore dilapidated orphanage walls.
Use your voice to spread this plea far and wide. Please friends! Give people a way that they can make a profound difference by pledging seed to save these precious children. Let’s see this documentary spread far and wide so that people may see and know the truth–children belong in families, NOT institutions!
And if you are a family who is begging God to intercede in this mess and bring your sweet child home, know this day that you are NOT alone!
On bended knee we’re expecting your miracles!
I will go before you
and will level the mountains
I will break down gates of bronze
and cut through bars of iron
I will give you hidden treasures,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the Lord
the God of Israel, who summons you by name. ~~ Isaiah 45: 2-3