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Let’s Pray!

Please pray for my friend, Linny, and her family. Today their house burned down. They have lost just about everything they own. This precious and amazing family has just got home from Uganda with not one, but two babies! And, they are waiting for travel approval to pick up their new daughter in China. That will give them 11 children–most of them through adoption. They have grown children and are starting all over again with young ones—in their 50’s! They are truly incredible people—so willing to do crazy things for God.

I just cannot imagine loosing everything! Yes, it is all just STUFF, but much of it is memories accumulated over the years—that can never be replaced.

Thank you for praying for the Saunders family. Please continue to pray for sweet little Abby too.

I sit writing this and am so struck by how much NEED there is in the Body of Christ. God’s people are being stretched and challenged in every area. Sickness, financial struggles, tough relationships, houses burning down, on and on!

Come on Body of Christ—let’s PRAY! Not just a “yeh, I’ll pray for you”—and then we never utter a single word to God about it. Uuuggg! But to truly intercede for those going through trials. Fast—get on our faces before the Father! Amazing breakthrough happens when we FAST and PRAY! I’m sure we all know of people going through hard times—let’s make an effort to intercede like never before. Satan is on the prowl—he wants to destroy our marriages, our homes, our families, our employment, our children, our health, you name it. Let’s rise up and say NO MORE!

There is so much need, all around us. There is POWER in the Body of Christ coming together in prayer—satan cannot stand against it!

What an amazing tool blog-world has become to let the world know of the needs of others. Join me in using our blogs to mobilize the Body—who cares if we do not know each other; prayer is prayer. God hears the cries of His people everywhere. Let’s PRAY and see God move. Lets have praise reports ringing out in blog-world of ALL the amazing things that God is going to do.
