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my greatest joy

Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who don’t follow along on Facebook.  Sorry, my blog has been quiet. I have been an awful blogger over the last few years. It’s been a season of being intentional, being still, drawing nearer to the heart of my God and quietly listening to His still, small voice that leads us onward. He has been good to my family. Dependable. Faithful and true–even when His hand took us down roads we never planned or anticipated.  His grace has amazed us as we have pressed on and surrendered our lives to the One who holds it all.

He has called us to many things over the years. But the greatest joy and delight of my heart is still to hear them call me “Mom”. Each one of my nine blessings from heaven came to me a different way, a different story, different nations and different needs. But each one is a precious gift to my heart–chosen, treasured and so very dearly loved.

These.  They are my treasure in heaven.

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I don’t always get it right at being their mom.  And sometimes I fail so miserably.  But the joy, the rewards, the love, the kisses and cuddles, and the absolute delight that they fill my life with every day makes all of my silly parenting blunders seem so insignificant.  They are so quick to extend me endless grace and laugh about the things that we learn along the way. For that, I am so crazy grateful.

It’s a beautiful journey.  And I am so blessed that God chose me.

I hope you all had a very special Mother’s Day with your families.

With love.

