The second part of my story coming up soon. I promise.
But, I just could not let today go by without giving God all the praise, all the honor, and ALL the glory. I know many of you will be rejoicing too.
Today beautiful Julia met her mommy and daddy for the first time in Eastern Europe. Oh my. What tears of joy here! I cannot even tell you how humbled and amazed I am. God is just so good. I so clearly remember loving Julia over the bars of her crib in the orphanage last year and asking the Lord, “Who will ever come for this little girl?”
Oh, what little faith!
Thank you to over three hundred of you who helped financially to make this possible. I pleaded, and you rushed in to help in an astounding way. Thank you for sowing seed so that Julia can come home. And thank you for every prayer that has been prayed on her behalf. I am so thankful, and I know the Schwenzers are too. Sweet Julia can now finally get the treatment that she so desperately needs for her Cockayne Syndrome.
Isn’t she just such a little doll?
And her sweetheart of a little brother, who is also being adopted, will know the love of a family too. The sweetest little guy.
Here’s an amazing quote from the Schwenzer blog. Get the tissues:
He was talking a mile a minute in Russian. I asked what he was saying and they translated that he said, “I have been waiting here all my life for you.” I had tears streaming down my face at this point. I hugged him, kissed his cheek and he was receptive to it all.