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~~~  I’m tired.  I’ve been working like crazy and burning the candle at both ends this week.  It is so worth it though!  The fundraiser I have planned is coming along wonderfully.  I am so thankful to all of you who have e-mailed me about an item you would like to donate.  There is still time, so if you would like to help by contributing something for a giveaway, please e-mail me soon.

~~~  Haven is absolutely loving her new iPad which she was blessed with.  Thank you for all the wonderful app suggestions so many of you gave here.  We have already downloaded (uploaded?) a lot of them.  Miss Haven is in iPad heaven.  She’s so cute–if one of the other kids even picks the thing up to look at something, she gets really close and watches them as if to say, “That is MY iPad!”  I went to a meeting this week and they were sharing about the tremendous benefits of using iPads with children who have special needs.  Crazy how modern technology has benefited so many children.  It is so amazing for us to see Haven taking such an interest in something.  I also learned that many, many organizations and local charities are offering iPads free to children who need them.  Most only require either speech or occupational therapy evaluations to qualify.  Definitely worth looking into for those of you who could use one for your own children.

~~~  The snow is melting and it is beginning to feel a lot more springy here again.  Praise God!

~~~  It’s April.  And as it happens every year, I’m totally dragging with homeschool.  Can we be done yet?  Some parents dread the summer because their kids are home all day long.  I LOVE having lazier days spent with my treasures.  Can’t wait.

~~~  My family arrives from South Africa in about two months.  We are counting down the sleeps already.  I miss them all so much.

~~~  Hailee has finally gained another pound. We rejoice. Every pound is like gold on her teeny, tiny body.  I really should take a video of her latest little game to show you guys.  She is so darn adorable.  I think I will title it, “Never right off a child!”  Hailee is living proof that every child has potential. 

~~~  Love, love, loving our house church.

~~~  We almost have a teenager.  Yikes!  How the heck did that even happen so quickly?  Any great tips on raising a teen?  We’re excited to see God’s plans and purposes for our oldest son unfold.  What a blessing from the Lord he is.   

~~~  I am almost finished painting our living room…lime green!  So much fun.

~~~  Jonathan’s family are so thankful for the generous outpouring of provision they have received to bring their son home.  Right now they have a giveaway happening to try and raise the last of what they need before they travel in May.  

~~~  Late at night I sit reading through the news feed on my Facebook.  I get so excited when I see just how many families are having fundraisers for their adoptions.  I think it’s amazing.  The body of Christ is rising up to care for the orphan and the lives of countless children are being saved. Whether we adopt or support those are, we’re taking up the requirement to care for the orphan. Last night I saw a comment where one family was feeling quite discouraged because “so many other families are also having fundraisers right now.”  You know, I think that our God is MORE than able to provide for each and every family.  Our plan B may just be His plan A, but somehow it always works out.  God’s economy is so different to ours–His money never runs out!  Fundraisers give the army of God such an incredible opportunity and blessing to play a part in an unfolding miracle–a child’s redemption.  What a privilege!

~~~  I have had to radically change the way I shop.  Apart from quick runs to the grocery store, I just don’t get much time to go shopping these days.  And that’s okay.  Most of my shopping I do online. Do any of you have great websites that you use to get good deals on every day items?  Would you mind sharing in the comments?  I would love to know. I’m always looking for a bargain.

There you have my total randomness on this Wednesday.  Have a great day, everyone.
