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Thank you!

A few posts back I wrote about how amazing and faithful God has been throughout Haven’s adoption. He truly has provided miraculously, it has been an incredible journey of God’s faithfulness. God has used so many people to make this adoption possible. He has moved on the hearts of many and has provided manna every step of the way.

I just wanted to express my gratitude to EVERYONE who has given financially, loved us, supported us, encouraged us when the wait got a little tooooooo long, when doubt crept into my heart and I wondered if I could ever parent a child with Autism you told me “you can do it!”, and the countless friends who have PRAYED for us and for Haven in China. I have such a thankful heart this morning. Many of you I have never even met! I am amazed at how God rallies the troops, how He brings people together. The Body of Christ is truly a beautiful thing. Thank you to each one of you who have been the hands and feet of Jesus in our adoption. We are so absolutely grateful.
