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we cry out

Hey, friends.  Christmas is by far one of my most favorite times of the year. While so many of us are wrapped up in Christmas, family, gifts, and the JOY that comes with this special time of year, there are others who are struggling and desperately need a touch from heaven this Christmastime.  My heart is heavy for friends and strangers who are walking roads marked with pain and suffering–those who are having to dig so deep in their faith to KNOW that He is near.

I know that so many of you have prayed for a special young man whose story I have shared with you a few times.  You showered him with gifts and words of encouragement when I shared that he needed HOPE restored.  JACOB has walked such a painful and difficult road this year–one that few of us can even begin to imagine.


Tonight his precious mom Lorrie shared an update and I thought I would come and ask you all to storm heaven for this young man and his family.  After nearly a year in the hospital, a bone marrow transplant, too many infections to count, and so many trials…the news is devastating.

“There was a set back today. We found out that there are Leukemia blasts in Jacob’s blood. He will be having a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow morning at 9:00 to find out if the leukemia is also in his marrow. This news is devastating to all of us–especially Jacob who has fought so hard this year. The options on how to proceed are getting very slim. Please pray that God’s close presence will be with our family during this time.  Also, please pray for wisdom and discernment as we move forward with all of this.”

Would you pray for Jacob and his family, please?  Would you pray for peace that passes ALL understanding and wisdom to KNOW which way to walk?

And in the midst of it all, would you trust with us that Jacob and his family would be cocooned in the love, the grace, and the mercy of Jesus this Christmas?  Be near, Lord Jesus!

Where two or more are gathered…
