Precious friend, we could really do with your prayers right now.
We have no idea what to do about Haven going to school. We have noticed that since she has been going, she has actually regressed! At school she REFUSES to use the potty—she will hold it in for hours. As a result she is now just pooping in her pants—every day. Even at home, she will not use the toilet to poop in. Last week it got so bad that we put diapers on her—that only made it worse as it gave her ‘permission’ to poop in her pants. We are back at square one with the toilet issues. You may remember that the potty has been an issue with Haven since day one. She was doing so much better with it—until this.
Do we continue to send her in the hopes that she gets over her fear of the school toilet—or is home the best place for her right now? If she comes home she looses all the therapy she is getting at school (which is the ONLY reason she is there). Is it all a little too much, too soon for her? Uuuggg, I don’t know.
Praise God we have this week off school—it gives us some time to prayerfully consider what the right thing to do is.