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10 random things

~~~  Hasya is eleven pounds heavier! Hallelujah!

~~~  Hailee and Harper have both decided that clothes off are so much better than clothes on.  Any article of clothing is a complete waste of time, in their opinions. Any where. Any time. Joy!

~~~  I am so excited to be journeying with old and new friends on my new Facebook group.  Anthony and I start our 30 day cleanses tomorrow.  I cannot wait to shed the last few pounds I want to get rid of. For the first time in fourteen years, I have no preggie belly! Loving feeling healthier and trimmer. This will be my hubby’s first cleanse.  He’s not quite sure about life without coffee. Ha! Life will go on, I assure him.

~~~  No words can express how thankful we are for our new community of believers here in our new city.  Their BIG love, complete acceptance, and huge hearts have been such a huge blessing to my family.  There is nothing quite like being with people who know how to be the body of Christ.  We are so thankful.

~~~  We have lived in many places and many homes in our married life.  We’ve lived on different continents and traveled much.  But this move?  This has stretched me more than any other move we have ever made.  Maybe it’s because I’m older.  Maybe it’s because our family is bigger.  Maybe it’s because I parent alone during the week. I don’t know. Starting over in my 40’s has been tough. I am just so thankful for God’s amazing grace.  His grace that meets us right where we’re at in any season of our lives.  We’re waiting for our faithful God to part the waters. 

~~~ Saturday!  I’m cutting my hair off.  My friends have given me their opinions (they like the drastic one…yikes!) and I think I’ve settled on a style. If I don’t chicken out, that is.

~~~  I am so proud of our big kids and how they have adjusted to their new lives here.  Their resilience and ability to go with things amazes me. What beautiful blessings they are to us.  

~~~  Many of you have written to ask me to share what I feed Hasya.  I will definitely do that.  Hopefully this weekend I can find a few moments to share what we do for her.  Hasya is a walking testimony to the goodness of God. She is doing so, so well.  Miraculous, really.

~~~  We sent some updated pictures and a report to Kael’s orphanage.  Praying that they would SEE the blessing that these precious children are and what a difference a family can make in the life of a child.

~~~ Hasya has a new body brace.  She hates the thing.  And so do I.  I think they call it a “turtle shell”.  For good reason.  That thing is positively awful.  We’re looking into other options because she’s just miserable with it on.  I would be too. We’re all about making life better for our beautiful teen.  I can’t stand seeing her unhappy. Anyone use anything similar on your kids?  I’d love some ideas.

And one last thing.  The winner of the Funky Fish Giveaway is Sasha Taylor.  Get in touch with me as soon as you can, Sasha.  [email protected]

Have a super blessed day, everyone.
