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made for more

I sat in our new church last Sunday listening to the message.  As the worship leader shared his heart on the Kingdom of God, the Father so sweetly began to minister to my own heart.  Something I very much needed reminding of in a season of uncertainty and many unknowns.
I listened as he spoke about how we, as God’s chosen people, are called to give up our lives as we once knew them and follow Him with everything that we have.
Giving ourselves away daily.
I confess. My initial (fleshly!) reaction when I hear a message like that is, “Okay, fine, I get it.  But, Lord, I’m at maximum capacity right now!”
I wondered how many people sitting in that congregation felt the same way that I did.
Stretched by life’s circumstances.
Weary from dealing with our own challenges and wondering how in the world we can possibly give away one more piece of ourselves to anyone (and have it make a difference).
“You were made for so much more, Adéye.”  He whispered to my tender heart.
So much more.
I have thought about that a lot over the past few days.
We’re made for so much more than we believe we’re capable of.
We’re made to give more.
Bless more.
Help more.
Take on more than we think we can handle.
Love more.
We’re called to be there for one another more, and more, and more…
…even when we feel like we’re running on empty.
Our lives are not our own.  They’re His.
Honestly?  I am so tired of playing church.  I’m tired of visiting churches where they do all the right things, sing the right songs, play the right music, put the right announcements in their weekly bulletin, build the right buildings, buy the right chairs to sit on so that no one complains about how hard they are, preach the right message…
…doing church.
Not BEING the Church.
I can’t do it any more. 
I long to be so stretched and challenged in my walk with the Lord until I have nothing left to give.
I long to empty myself to the point where there is so little of me…and so much of Jesus!
Emptied to the point where I am hanging on by my fingertips—knowing that the only way I can get through another day is by keeping my eyes fixed firmly on the ONE who called me by name.
We’re made for so much more than sitting in church pews, getting filled right up each and every Sunday…
…and keeping it to ourselves.
We were made to give it ALL away from the sake of the hurting, the lonely, the needy, the weak, the poor, the sick, and the world that is desperately needing the HOPE that we have found in Jesus Christ.
I cannot tell you how many times people ask us, “So, are you done with adding children to your family?”  Or, “Is this it for you?”
I don’t know what God has planned for our future. I do know that four years ago I probably would have had a different response to the one I give these days.  God has taught us so much about abandonment and faithfulness over the years.  These days, when we get asked that question, I am always reminded of my heroes of the faith. 
I think of George Mueller and Mother Teresa. 
I think of Queen Esther.
I think of the family who serves so sacrificially in Uganda.
I think of a woman who has had such an impact on my own life—simply because of how she loves Jesus so passionately and serves His people so sacrificially.
I think of Amy Carmichael and Jim Elliot.
And I ask myself…
Am I not made for even more than this busy life that He has already given me?
Am I not made to give away that little piece of me that I’ve been holding on to?
Am I not made to let my life be a reflection of the ONE who pours out grace to the weary and strength to the person who lays down their life completely?
Am I not made for even more than this?
I don’t want to miss out on anything that God has for me! 
As many of you know, Anthony is a hospice chaplain.  He deals with death on most days.  He holds people’s precious, withered hands as they reach the end of their lives.  He listens as they tearfully pour out their hearts and their regrets facing their final breath on this earth.  There is a common emotion that people nearing the end of their life have.
They look back over all the years that they’ve been given and very often, they regret.
They regret not doing more.  Not being more.
They regret not mending broken relationships.
They simply regret.
I don’t want to be that person!  I don’t ever want to feel like God had more for me, but I was too exhausted, busy, occupied with my own family, or too darn chicken to say yes.  I don’t want to feel like I am ever taking the easy road—when I know with all of my heart that it is the bumpy, crazy, twisting, turning, winding road that leads to a life well lived—a life that reflects His glory in the hard times and His faithfulness when He calls us to do the hard things. 
You and me…
…we were made for so much more!
What is God putting on YOUR heart to do for His Kingdom?
No matter what it is…He has put it there for a reason. 
Say yes!
