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gladness and everlasting joy

Those the LORD has rescued will return. 

They will enter Zion with singing; 
everlasting joy will crown their heads.  

Gladness and joy will overtake them, 

and sorrow and sighing will flee away.  

 Isaiah 51:11

Today our little cuddle bug opened up a little more. Oh my goodness!  He is just soaking up every love, every cuddle, and every kiss I give him!  Today he was so very vocal–sounds of joy bubbled forth and laughter came from deep within–to the point where I thought he would lose his breathe from laughing.  It was truly like music to my ears.  Kael is so desperate to be loved and held and smothered with affection–he simply cannot get enough.  Every time I sat him on the little child’s chair, he reached out to grab me so that I would hold him close again.  Of course, I happily obliged.  He knows that he is so loved!
He is truly amazing! How any child can even find it within them to laugh after all that he has endured is astounding to me.  Had it been me…I would have given up a very long time ago.  But not this little fighter! The Lord has named him well–Kael means “Courageous!”

They have taken everything from him–his basic rights as a human being, his need for love and affection, adequate nutrition, and the freedom to just be a child instead of being imprisoned in a crib for eight miserable years.


They have NOT crushed his sweet spirit!

Everlasting JOY from Adeye Salem on Vimeo.
