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update from the ICU

Just a quick update for those of you who don’t follow on Facebook.  We know that so many have been praying for Hasya over the past few days.  No words can ever express our gratitude!  From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

We’re Day Four post surgery and it’s been hard for our little darling.  We always knew that the first few days and weeks would be the most difficult for her as her body heals after a major surgery and adjusts to having a straight spine (we still look at the x ray and get tearful!).  She has struggled with very high fevers, blood pressure that has plummeted, an accelerated heart rate, and ongoing pain management (which has been hard to manage at times because her tiny body is so unique and metabolizes medication very differently to most people).  Yesterday was our hardest day, but our girl pushed through and as usual, astounded us with her strength.  By late last night she was much more stable and all her vital signs were where they needed them to be.  For that, we are so grateful.  My heart had a few moments yesterday where fear rose up and I really had to remember to breathe and trust God.  It’s so, so painful watching her endure these difficult days.

Sweetest blessing from heaven. Finally resting and healing.


Even in the midst of the hard, we choose to focus on the absolutely amazing.  She’s taller!  Gosh, at a guess I’d say two or three inches taller. Seeing her laying straight in her bed makes me emotional.  Usually she’s bent to the side and we have to protect her from falling out of the bed.  Not anymore.  And her neck is straight.  Like, perfectly aligned. Her oxygen saturation has been perfect.  She’s breathing deeply and getting way more oxygen than she ever has.  And for the first time since she has been home with us, her arms and legs are actually warm. Usually even in summer her limbs have been ice cold due to horrible circulation. Praise!

Thankfully, she has been so well loved and taken care of in the ICU.  Every need has been met with tender hearts as medical staff have gone out of their way to ensure that she is comfortable. She has crept into the hearts of many who are caring for her. In even the hard, God’s glory shines brightly. We are so grateful.

We’re taking things one little step at a time here.  Today I get to spend some much-needed time with our eight other treasures while Anthony spends the day with his girl.  We’re pushing through the challenges and embracing every little victory and every milestone that God gives us.

And today, I am reminded once again that His promises are true.


So grateful for your love and your prayers, friends.
