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Today, I longed.

I ached.

I missed. Terribly.

Hard days, they come and they go. We all must go through them. I know that full well.

Today was mine.

We Skyped with my family so far away. Saw my sweet little niece whom I have not seen since she was just 4 months old. Now, she’s almost three. No matter how long I live on the opposite end of the earth, the longing in my heart to be near the ones I love remains.

I miss having them near. So, so much.

This was Hailee’s homecoming at the airport.  A grandfather adoring his new grandchild.  Such love.  Just look how teeny tiny Hailee is. 

After tearfully saying goodbye to my family, I Skyped with my precious friend Janine.  Oh my goodness!  My heart ached.  Being so far away when one of my best friends in the world journeys the hardest road of her life is just plain and simply hard.  There is not much that I wouldn’t do to be nearer.

Thank you for continuing to pray for the Robinsons.  They are overwhelmed by the many messages, the love and the encouragement which has been poured out upon their family–even by people whom they have never met.  They have had a very emotional few days.  Hearing doctors try to prepare them for Zac’s birth has been so, so hard.  Still, they are digging deep in their faith and are not waivering in their confidence in our Father in heaven who is ABLE!  Their faith is inspiring. 

What a gift it was to be able to see my dear friend and her sweet family! 

Same days are just hard, huh?  Today sure was for me. I felt so far away from some I love.

I just longed.
