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becoming young men

As our new babies are changing and transforming daily–so are the hearts of our young men.

These two mighty warriors are growing up before our eyes. Not just in size, but I see their hearts expanding for the things of God, the things that matter…like their new sisters.  I see the seed of adoption planted in their hearts, and I can only but wonder what God will do with it in their future.

My heart overflows when I see them loving on Hailee and Harper. They love these two little girls with a passion.

There is not much sweeter for this mommy.

(Notice how Hailee’s hair is finally starting to grow?  So wonderful. Can’t wait for the pony tails.)

I marvel at how the Father takes care of the hearts of the other children in a family when new blessings are added through adoption.  It’s a beautiful thing.

What a blessing from the Lord these boys are to us. 

Lift up your eyes and look around;
all your sons gather and come to you.
As surely as I live,” declares the LORD,
“you will wear them all as ornaments;
you will put them on, like a bride.”
Isaiah  49:18