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adoption awareness: adopting from China

Good morning, friends.

It’s Monday!  What a joy it is for me to highlight another aspect of adoption in the adoption awareness series I am doing each Monday.  I absolutely loved reading the testimonies of families who have grown through the blessing of Down syndrome adoption last week.  Glorious!

Each week I plan on highlighting something different.  My prayer is that it will be a great way to connect hearts and encourage one another as we all seek to care for the fatherless in whatever way the Father lays on our hearts.

This week I thought I would spotlight Chinese adoptions.  The China program is one of the largest adoption programs and I know that there are many, many families just like ours who have opened their hearts and homes to these precious children.  Our Chinese girls are such a beautiful gift to our family.

If you are a family who has adopted from China, and you would love to encourage others by sharing your journey, please link your blog below.  You will be given an opportunity to add a caption–please use it to tell us the age of the child/children you have adopted and the special need they have (if you are comfortable with that!). 

If you are considering a Chinese adoption, I hope that reading the stories below will encourage your hearts and be a blessing to you as you seek God on what HE wants for your family.
