I am sooooo not into politics—I totally leave that department to my dearest hubby. But, the elections here have caught my attention over the last few months. I have been so grieved by the build up to the election next week. How our Father in heaven must weep over what He sees.
Obviously abortion has been in the media regularly. One side is pro-life and the other very pro-choice. A few years ago I read an amazing book called “Gianna”, it really moved me. Gianna has been on TV and radio regularly recently. She was recently in Australia and her address to the people there was posted on You Tube. It is absolutely incredible. This woman is so unashamed of the gospel, so in love with the ONE who gave her life after a failed abortion. She travels around the world sharing her story and runs marathons–after being told she would NEVER sit, walk or lead anything that resembled a normal life–she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy–a result of her brain being starved of oxygen after the abortion.
She sure does stir me up to be more “out there” about the things I am passionate about. Time is short, we have one opportunity to live the life God intended us to live–one shot at it. I long to live a life of purpose and destiny! I have such a long way to go.
The two videos are about 15 minutes in total–absolutely amazing.