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more than enough

Life sure has taken many twists and turns for our family in the last few months.
It’s been a wild ride.
We’re facing many challenges and potential changes here in our home. Again.
(Nothing to do with raising children.  Just life.)
There are some things that I seriously struggle to trust the Lord in.
I mean to trust Him with ALL my heart. 
Past let-downs and hurts have reared their ugly head and got me so down recently.
I hate that I even allow that to happen.
I wish that my faith was so rock solid that it could never be shaken.
Sadly though, I’m not there yet.
I forget that my God is more than able to take care of my heart, and my needs, all the time.
On days like this I have to remind myself to trust my Savior.
Some days trust does not come easily to me.
I question Him.  I doubt Him. I tell Him how I think my life should look.
I put my focus on His hands, and forget to look for His face.
Then I remember that His plans for my life ARE so much better than my plans.
It’s hard to trust a God we cannot see.  We cannot touch.  We cannot hear audibly.
Some days it’s much tougher than others.
Oh, it is so easy to trust Him when we’re on the mountain top. 
It’s easy to sing His praises when we’re soaring on the wings of eagles.
It’s so easy to trust God when we’re in a season of absolute blessing and great favor. A season where He has given us every desire of our hearts, blessed us in ways we never imagined, kept us in good health, kept our children on the narrow road.
That’s the easy part of faith.
But when things get tough, when the road gets all bumpy and crazy…that’s when the rubber hits the road.
That’s when trust gets tough!
These days we’re on a journey that is so uncomfortable for me. 
If I had my way, I probably would not choose to be here.
 If I had my way, I would probably put on my running shoes and run like the wind in the opposite direction, telling the Lord that this is so not going to work, thank you very much.
 I would ask Him to please just come up with another solution–one more to my liking, one that would be so much less stretching and challenging.
But we all know that that is not how the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords works.
Sometimes the easier road is not the one the Lord intended to be ours.
And besides, it really is not about me, but about His plans and purposes for our family unfolding.
I desperately long for more of Him, and so much less of me.

The wilderness is a challenging place to be, but we must all go through it. Jesus did.
It’s in that place we learn to press in and trust Him more–come what may.
It’s in the wilderness that we learn that sometimes His answer is “No”, and that’s okay.
It’s there that we learn that He is more than enough.
It’s there that we learn that Jesus is all we will ever need.
He is bigger than any situation we fill ever face.
He is faithful to see us through any wilderness experience we will ever have to endure.
He is the lover of our souls, the One called Faithful and True.
Jesus is all we will ever need.

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
James 1:2  (The Message)

Choosing to trust the ONE who has never, not once, ever let me down.
